Chapter 1

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   Y/N'S POV

  "This team... Oo, that guy with the long hair's pretty cute."

  Alfred chuckled and said,"I don't think Master Trevor would like that very much, Y/N. You two are an item and quite adorable, if I might add."

  I smiled at Alfred and admitted to him,"I know we are, but thank you. I'm worried about him, though, Al. He's been showing his age lately. I know he looks just like he did many years ago, but he's starting to forget things."

  Bruce placed his hand on my shoulder and said,"Don't worry, Y/N. I'm sure he'll be fine, and the guy you're referring to is known as The Aquaman. You're coming with me."

  I said,"I think you need to rephrase that, Bruce Thomas Wayne."

  Alfred leaned back in his chair and said,"This is why I like her, Master Wayne."

  Bruce sighed and said,"Y/N, will you please come with me to find Aquaman?"

  I replied,"Sure, Batman. Sure. Bye, Al."

  Alfred said,"Bye, Ms. Prince."

  I stuck with the last name "Prince" after Steve gave it to Diana and me way back when. A few hours later, Bruce had led us out into the mountains or somewhere. I said somewhere, because I had no idea where we were.
  We traveled by horse, and I coughed saying,"Bruce, I..I think I'm sick."

  Bruce chuckled and said,"Good. If I didn't know you so well, and I do, I would know you're lying. Trying to get out of the cold weather."

  I huffed, and Bruce led us down to a small building. He walked with me inside and talked about how he needed help.
  After someone coughed, I turned to see a painting or drawing hung up on the wall. It must have been of The Aquaman.

  Once I noticed the figure in the middle, I turned back to the man on my left and said,"You're him. You're The Aquaman."

  He sent me a look, and Bruce said,"Tell me what those three boxes are, and I'll make it 30 (30,000)."

  Aquaman got in Bruce's face and said,"You should get out."

  I took a step forward, but Bruce held up his hand.

  Bruce asked him,"Can you at least point me to Atlantis?"

  Aquaman grabbed him and pushed him into the wall.

  Bruce explained to him,"Authur Curry. Also known as the Protector of the Oceans. The Aquaman. I hear you can talk to fish."

  Aquaman put Bruce down before Bruce motioned for me to follow him and Aquaman.

  Aquaman said,"So, let me get this straight: You do it dressed like a bat? Like an actual bat?"

  Bruce replied,"It's worked for 20 years in Gotham."

  I said,"It's why he's single."

  Bruce turned and narrowed his eyes at me before Aquaman said to me,"I don't think we've met. Authur Curry. You are?"

  I had to keep myself from looking into his eyes, which were distracting. I had a thing for guys with blue eyes. His eyes couldn't beat Steve's blue eyes, though.

  I said,"Y/N Prince."

  He nodded, and Bruce and Authur talked. As they talked, I thought about how Mother blew me off. It was unlike her, but I think it was starting to affect me. Not in a good way.

  I double blinked when I heard Bruce ask Authur,"You ever hear of Superman?"

  Clark. His death was unexpected, too. Clark's death really hurt Metropolis and even Bruce.

  Bruce said,"He died fighting next to me."

  Authur replied,"My point exactly."

  Bruce asked him,"What's in the three boxes?"

  Authur said,"It's ancient history."

  Bruce looked at me then back at Authur, explaining to him,"What is it? Mankind's melting the polar ice caps, destroying the ecosystem. They got it coming?"

  Authur admitted to Bruce,"Hey, I don't mind if the oceans rise."

  Bruce asked Authur,"How about if they boil?"

  I elbowed Bruce in the stomach, and Authur said,"Dressed like a bat. You're out of your mind, Bruce Wayne."

  Bruce said,"Doesn't mean I'm wrong."

  I said,"Let's get back to Alfred, shall we?"

  Bruce nodded before we made our way back to Gotham. From there, Bruce led us to a plane.
  Once I made it on, I high fived Alfred and sat down. I leaned back in my chair and received an incoming call from Steve.

  I got up and walked to a more private area of the plane, replying,"Yes, Steven?"

  Steve laughed and said,"Princess, it's nice to know you're all right. Are you coming home yet?"

  I sighed and said,"Not yet. Why? Are you feeling okay?"

  Steve replied,"Yeah. One of your friends called. She wanted to see how you were doing, and she also wanted me to tell you something. What was it? Sorry, Y/N."

  Steve kept talking, yet it only made me worry for him.

  Steve said,"Princess, you still there?"

  I said,"Yes. I'm here. Just..uh..let me know when you remember, okay? I'll come home as soon as I can. I love you, Steve."

  Steve said,"Are you sure you're-Okay. I love you, too, Y/N."

  Steve hung up, and I walked back to where Bruce and Alfred were standing. I sat back down, and Bruce sent me a weird look.

  He asked me,"You okay? Who was that on the phone?"

  I said,"Steve. It's nothing, Bruce."

  Bruce turned to continue his conversation with Alfred, but then I saw something on the TV. It was something I thought I would never see in my lifetime. It was an ancient warning. It served as what it was called.

  I said,"Mother..."

  Bruce and Alfred heard me, but Bruce said,"Don't worry. We'll stop whatever's coming. I'm sure of it."

Wonder Woman x Sibling Reader: Becoming A Part of A Team (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now