Chapter 2

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Hey, here's what I figured out what to do about Steve. Steve still appears the same as he did when he first met Y/N and Diana, but his mind and memory can't keep up. This is because he's older, it just doesn't appear that way.
   Y/N'S POV

  After I made it home, Steve was sitting on the couch in the living room.

  I asked him,"Steve, what are you still doing up?"

  Steve noticed me and sent me a smile saying,"I couldn't go to sleep without you, Y-Y-"

  Steve began to stutter, and I sat down beside him immediately.

  The tears came back again, and I pleaded to Steve,"Baby, please... please don't do this to me. You're Steve Trevor."

  Steve looked at me confused and asked me,"Princess, what are you upset about?"

  I frowned and sighed saying,"You're forgetting things again. Steve, I'm concerned about you. I can't lose you. I've already lost Diana. Then Clark. Not you, too."

  Steve cupped my face and explained to me,"You won't lose me because I made a promise to you a long time ago. But if it comes down to it, I want you to move on and find someone else."

  I cut him off immediately,"We're not having this conversation, Steve. I'm not replacing you. I'm not. Let's get some sleep."

  Steve sighed, but he gladly followed me upstairs. I dressed for bed, and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep in Steve's arms.


   I kissed Steve's forehead and wrapped the covers back around him, making sure he was warm. I got up and slipped on something comfortable before I left to see Bruce.
   When I found him, he was fixing something I couldn't afford.

  Bruce started off our conversation by admitting,"You know, I paid millions of dollars for this building's security?"

  I laughed and said,"Well, I guess you learned not to spend millions of dollars on a building. Look what happened."

  Bruce stopped what he was doing and just sent me a look before he said,"I'm going to look past what you just said, because I'm glad you're here."

  I made a heart symbol with my fingers, and Bruce laughed. Then, I noticed what he was working on.

  I asked him,"What is that?"

  Bruce replied,"A prototype troop carrier."

  As I looked at the design, it reminded me of the plane Steve ended up saving a lot of lives with. However, he was losing his own right now. Steve had the appearance of an angel, but his mind was getting weaker. The only reason he had survived this long was because we were approached by an organization years ago who offered me a chance to make Steve remain young. At the time, it seemed amazing, but now I'm seeing the effects of it.
  Bruce said softly,"Hey. This about Steve?"

  I nodded, and Bruce said,"Don't worry. We just need to stay focused. I need your help, remember? I think a war's coming."

  I said,"No. It's already here. I can tell you what I know, though. Can we take a walk or something?"

  Bruce nodded and allowed me to walk first before we walked together outside.

  I explained to him,"Diana was more aware of our enemies. She was also more knowledgeable than I am now, but I know enough. There's someone coming. His name is Steppenwolf. He's definitely not a good guy, and he was known for destroying worlds. His subjects or whatever are called parademons, who feed on fear."

  Bruce looked over at me and said,"I think I met one."

  I nodded and replied,"Well, we need to keep our eyes open, then. I think they're here for the Mother Boxes. There is one on Themyscira, but Steppenwolf most likely took it. That would be why Mother sent the warning. That leaves-"

  Bruce finished for me by saying,"Two more."

  I smiled and said,"Okay, Bruce Wayne. I'm impressed."

  Bruce smiled at me and said,"Don't be. I have no idea what's in them. A weapon? Some kind of power?"

  I stopped Bruce from walking and said,"They don't contain power. They are power. Carried from planet to planet, the Mother Boxes combined to form the unity. An apocalyptic power that not only destroys worlds but transforms them into the primordial hellscape of Steppenwolf's birth world. We should have died. But we formed our own unity. Amazons, Atlanteans, all the tribes of man fought side by side. Warriors of legend... allies from other worlds, even the gods themselves all acted as one, laying down their lives to drive Steppenwolf away. Some say it drove him mad. The disgrace of his first retreat. He swore the alliance would crumble. That darkness would cover the Earth. And that he would return when it did. Left behind, the Mother Boxes were too dangerous to be kept together. One was entrusted to the Amazons. One to the Atlanteans. Both sealed and guarded in secure strongholds. The Box of Man was buried in secret, so that no tribe would be tempted to use its power over another. Such harmony out of such horror. It was truly an Age of Heroes."

  Bruce said,"Something tells me we're not getting the band back together."

  I explained to him,"No, but I think that's why it was a good idea you wanted to bring together your own team. I know Clark would've been a great edition to it, but we have to do with what we can have. Who do you need to talk to next?"

  Bruce looked down at his phone and replied,"Barry Allen. I need you to talk to Victor Stone."

  I nodded and said,"Okay."

Wonder Woman x Sibling Reader: Becoming A Part of A Team (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now