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"Mondstandt's windblume festival eh?" asked Xingqiu. He was looking at Chongyun, which he never seen him this excited before. "Yes yes! They hired me to be an exorcist because some people were getting spooked, but i heard about all the great things they had there, and maybe i'll finally get an evil spirit!" Chongyun said. He was in high hopes, his eyes almost shining brighter than stars, and Xingqiu noticed this. "Sounds fun, how long will this festival be?" he asked. "Two weeks, i'm so excited! I'll bring you some books from there and Xiangling new ingredients, maybe i'll bring Hu Tao something as well." Xingqiu smiled at the boy ranting on, even though they both will be separated for two weeks. Xingqiu couldn't come with Chongyun unluckily, he had family business to attend to, and he couldn't just bid them farewell to hangout with his best friend, although he wanted to badly. "I'll be going now my dear Chongyun, i hope you have a fun time in mondstandt." Xingqiu said, mocking being formal. "Thanks Xing." Chongyun said, they both had a good laugh until they parted. Chongyun was leaving for mondstandt tomorrow, and that's all it took for Xingqiu to stay awake. The next morning Xingqiu woke up with a bit of dark circles, he had to look really closely though. "Goodbye Xingqiu! I'll write to you everyday!" "Same to you Chongyun, I bid you farewell" they both said, smiling. But Xingqiu's smile wasn't the same. It wasn't real. After he waved goodbye his smile came to a gentle end, It was time for the meeting, however Xingqiu hated it. He wanted to revive the Guhua clan, not just talk about economy, and the worst part is he'd most likely have to do everything for his brother who was supposed to be taking over. Not only that, but he needed to be formal. Back straight good posture formal speaking and must be happy. 'I wonder what Chongyun is doing in mondstandt..' he thought to himself. Although he liked to be formal, he didn't like it when he was forced to be formal.
He was happier than normal when he got home, writing a latter to Chongyun.
"Dear Chongyun,
is it weird i've already missed you? Oh well, i hope business is going great in mondstandt, me Xiangling and Hu Tao will patiently wait for your arrival, maybe we'll put chili's in your food again, remember that? It was a joke, but i'll be waiting for your letters- and do NOT forget the books!
All Xingqiu could think about was how happy Chongyun might be. He set off to go drop off the letter and visit Xiangling and Hu Tao, to tell them about the letter he wrote. "Hey Xiangling! I wrote a letter to Chongyun!" he said, running off to see his friend. "Oh yea! Isn't he in mondstandt? What'd you write?" "Not much, but something." he said. "Alright well, let's hope he gets back well!" Hu Tao appears out of no where scaring both of them. They laugh it off and have a fun time, but Xingqiu can't get a certain cryo vision holder off his mind. He went home confused, and cried in bed thinking about him, forgetting a letter by that vision holder.

His blade was sharp, but he was dull (Chongyun x Xingqiu)Where stories live. Discover now