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Xingqiu woke up in a good mood, he had just ate a wonderful breakfast. He was with Xiangling scouting for the rest of the others. "Hey Xingqiu, have you prepared how you're gonna confess to Chongyun yet?" she asked, waiting for an answer like "Yes" or "Maybe". "Nope. Not at all." Xingqiu replied and chuckled at. Xiangling immediately grabbed him and went to look for Hu Tao and Xinyan. "Ok ok! Geez!" said Xingqiu as the three teens evaluated his 1% effort love confession. "This is terrible!" "Agreed" "YOU HAVE TO ADD PASSION" most of them yelled. Xingqiu just laughed it off.
Although he was joking about the letter...
his feelings said different.
The way Chongyun looked made him feel like he could do anything.
Eventually, they gave up and decided to their own thing.
Xingqiu had a gigantic smile on his face, Chongyun was coming tomorrow. His heart beat fast.
His stomach fluttered by.
His love never went away.
He sighed, sad he wouldn't be able to see him today, but knowing he was coming tomorrow he was happy.
He wanted to see the blue haired male.
His gentle smile.
His soft voice.
His laugh.
His matching tassel.
He loved him very much, his heart pounding.
He eventually calmed down, training to get his mind off Chongyun.
His sword swung, he cut a few trees and he was much more faster. He was proud of his achievements.
He wishes Chongyun was here so he could train with him, but he was sure that the blue haired male was having fun in mondstandt, and as long as he was happy... right?
He sighed it off and trained, his eyes losing a bit of their sparkle.
The sparkle that lit up Chongyun's face.
The sparkle that made Chongyun unconsciously stared at cause of their glory.
Footsteps were heard behind Xingqiu. He eventually stood still and look at his peripheral vision.
He dropped his sword.
His eyes glowed in shock as they widened.
"Hey Xing.. miss me?"
said a soft voice. Xingqiu came booking to him, faster than anything Chongyun has seen in the wild.
He went to him and hugged on for deaf life.
"Aww Xing.. missed me that much?"
He nodded and got off like nothing happened.
"Chongyun! i missed you so much!" he said. The light blue haired teen gave Xingqiu a sweet smile.
Xingqiu turned around and marched with his hands up in happiness.
"I cant wait to hear what happened! Did you bring the books? OH! Wait until i tell you about-"
he got cut off right as Chongyun put a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see the teen crying.
"Why are you-"
"I'm sorry, i love you."
He kissed Xingqiu, and Xingqiu hugged him. They parted away as Chongyun was slowly fading into particles that looked like ripped up paper.
"Chongyun? CHONGYUN!" He said, as more and more disappeared. "I'm sorry..." he said as he gave a smile and the last tear went dry as he peacefully disappeared into pieces. He wanted to do something, but all he could do was have wide opened eyes as tears fell down them. "Chongyun..? is this a sick joke.." he fell on his knees watching the pieces disappear. "Chongyun? Chongyun! CHONGYUN!" he yelled out, but nobody heard...
nobody came..
nobody was there..
He cried, he just watched the love of his life disappear infront of him.
"I love you too..."
He said, knowing it was already too late. He didn't even get to say i love you back. He was gone. Forever.
He stood up, looking at his blade. He pointed it near his throat, then chest. But he couldn't do it.
He fell and laid down in defeat.
He looked up in the sky, seeing Chongyun's smile for the last time...
He laid, and thought of his lover. He laid and cried. He laid and mourned.
"You didn't even give me the books heh... i miss you.." He grabbed Chongyun's backpack he brought with him to mondstandt, he looked inside. "For, Xingqiu" was labeled on a book. Well, the only book.
Inside the book was a message and audio recording.
"Hey Xingqiu, i'm sorry, but i'll be leaving for another life, i'll miss you"
the letter said
'Dear Xingqiu,
i do not want to worry you,
but i will pass away soon.
I cant explain, but i got this
book for you, i hope
you like it.
See you,
The paper had dried up tears from Chongyun, and new ones from Xingqiu. He got close enough to the book to smell Chongyun. This book was precious to him, he's protect it with his life. In that book had more letters, but he had to finish each part to get to them, but he didn't care at that point, it was night time.
"I hope you're having fun...
and playing with stars,
like how you played with us."
He said, he laid counting the stars like him and Chongyun always did, he could still feel his touch..
He heard. Who was calling his name at this time? Was it his parents? Was it his imagination?
Whoever it was it stopped.
"1 star, remember how we'd always see who'd go to sleep first Chongyun? Hehe... it's sad you went to sleep first..." he said as he curled up on the ground. Hydro and Geo made mud, even if it's from dirt and tears. "Just wait for me Chongyun.." he said. He hated himself.
He hated everything.
He was too late.
'If i came with him i could've saved him'
'why didn't you save him!?'
'he did all of this for you'
'you couldn't even say i love you back'
'he protected you, where we're you when he was dying?'
'you're not the same'
'you should've cared about him and family'
'you should've multitasked'
'you're a murderer'
'i hate you'
'you're selfish'
'you're a snob'
'you're a dumbass'
'i hate you i hate you i hate you'
'you're selfish you're selfish you're selfish"
"i hate you.. you're selfish..." he said, murmuring.
Xingqiu woke up in a cold sweat.


His blade was sharp, but he was dull (Chongyun x Xingqiu)Where stories live. Discover now