Love can last

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Xingqiu woke up in a cold sweat, he was breathing hard.
He couldn't think, all he could do was sit up.
"Xingqiu, are you ok?" asked Xiangling. "Ye- N- can you get me some water?" he asked. Xiangling was concerned, but she did what he asked. After grabbing some water and him chugging it down, he gave a clear answer. "I had the worst nightmare ever..." he says, as a tear ran down his face. "Can you tell me?" Xiangling said, grabbing tissues and more water. "S-sure." Xingqiu told her everything shakily. The dream was so realistic. "Oh my.." she responded with. All she could do was remind him it was a dream and give him some space. Xingqiu went outside to train, knowing he'd get his mind off of it by training. As he flung his sword around, he forgot everything. Emotion drained from his face, but he forgot about the dream. "BOO!" said Hu Tao jumping up on him. Xingqiu turned around. "Sheesh what's the hard look for?" asked Hu Tao. "Forgetting a bad dream" he said as he goes back to training. "Ohhhhhhhh, mind telling me?" she asked, although Xingqiu did not want to say, he sighed and did. "Oh.." The girl said. She didn't know how to respond, so she comforted him but then left so he could get some free time alone. After hours of training, he heard a voice. "Xing..?" said an icey blue haired teen. Xingqiu turned around, Chongyun looked concerned. "What happened?" he asked stepping closer to him. Immediately he rushed and hugged Chongyun, not wanting to let go. Chongyun pulled him in and comfortable held him in his arms, not asking or saying a word. After a few minutes, he asked "what happened?" in a gentle tone. He told him and conveyed his feelings for him, he wasn't scared to say it though, still to scared from the nightmare. "Oh.. i didn't know you felt that way about me.. to be honest i've been feeling the same way too." He said. Although Chongyun was nervous to say it, a peaceful Xingqiu crawled into his arms. Although Xingqiu being the taller one. Chongyun per Xingqiu's hair, as Xingqiu fell asleep. "I promise i'll never leave you, o love you.." he said, not knowing Xingqiu was awake. Xingqiu chuckled a bit, sitting next to Chongyun's grave. "Ah, how naive we were." he said as water trickled down from giggling and sadness. Xingqiu visited Chongyun's grave daily, mourning and talking to him. People thought he was a psychotic, giving him strange looks and murmuring, but he didn't care. "I still wasn't able to say 'i love you too' haha.. i'm such a fool for not saving you my dear Chongyun.." he says going quieter and wrapping his arms curling into a ball shape. He started reading the book he found in his backpack, as there were letters in between the pages, so he read. The title of the book was 'little meanings'. He started reading.
"...Read roses mean love, and confession..." after reading the part, a letter was on the next page, he opened up to find a letter written by Chongyun.
'Here are some read roses,
i will die soon, but i wanted to let you know
i love you.'
His heart melted faster than ice, he could still see the tear stains from Chongyun's small teardrops falling onto the letter.
He kept on reading.
"...Ice and water mix very well, a nice frozen teamwork..."
he found the letter and began reading.
'both water and ice, we make a good pairing, however, ice will always melt and water will always vaporize.
I'd like to remind you, i vaporized, but that doesn't mean i will not fade away. Nor will it mean
my love for you will fade away. I will watch you from far away, into a place you'd never see me,
and hope
you'll never forget me.'
Xingqiu had tears dripping down his chin leaking onto the paper as the wet marks made it a bit translucent.
"Haha.. Chongyun.. you're so silly.. how could i ever forget you?" he said putting the book down. He put some wilted flowers on his grave and payed respects to him, plating the seed of a frozen flower. Although he was gone, his love was never gone. Love lasts, and it can last forever... even if it does hurt. He looked up at the stars and moon, and he could still remember and see the way Chongyun looked at him. The way he smiled and the way he put his fingers through Xingqiu's hair, the way he giggled and laughed, he could see it.
He could see him.
Although he missed him, he knew he'd see him.
As he sat counting the stars.
He could feel the warmth of his touch.
He could feel the cold, but also warmth of his love.
Icey cold but he and his love was warm. It helped him sleep, but yet he would toss and turn, but sitting next to his grace and taking a nap helped him. He didn't know how or why, but he did miss him dearly.
He sighed looking at the moon.
He looked at his matching tassels with Chongyun, smiling when he remembered about how he gave it to Chongyun. He tied it around his grave and he had a pile of letters in a box to tell Chongyun what he was feeling and doing, so he wrote one today.
'Dear Chongyun,
i highly miss you, though it was obvious.
Just wait till i'm with you.
I know i don't look the best when i'm crying,
but i miss when you'd wipe off my tears
and pull me in close
and snuggled me until i stopped
or i fell asleep.
i'll see you in the afterlife,
which is knows when it'll be?
-sadness and tears,
He finished off the letter, putting inside the box with many other letters.
He looked up at the sky,
and started counting like Chongyun was with him.
Although he was bleeding out,
a knife in his hand,
his heart feeling guilt,
he was finally able
to be with Chongyun,
to stop being dull
to let his world full of color,
and also ice,
even if they were both dead in the afterlife,
emotions were flowing.
"One.. Two.. Three.."
was heard.
Both falling asleep,
counting stars.
Authors note: i'm not apologizing for this, fight me. if you want i'll make an alternate ending or a plot twist on part 8

His blade was sharp, but he was dull (Chongyun x Xingqiu)Where stories live. Discover now