Maybe it isnt a dream?

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Chongyun's pov
"sigh" what am i supposed to do now? Ugh.. i cant even write a letter to him platonically, how am i supposed to even confess? Maybe i should give up.. wait, no Chongyun! you can't, i have to confront him. "sigh" i'll just write a few simple words..

3rd person pov
Chongyun finally finishes the letter, and goes to meet up with Xingqiu so they can stroll around together. They find a bench to sit at, near a sakura tree. "Xing, i wanted to give you something.."
"Yes my liege, what is it?"
and before Chongyun could hand over the letter, a happy voice tunes in.
"Hey guys, what're you doing!?"
"O-oh um nothing! hehe, just talking to Xing!"
"Weren't you gonn-"
"it's fine! anyways how are you Xiangling?"
Xingqiu murmers something, but no one hears.
They do make small talk tho, as Hu Tao joins in.
"Ya-hoo~ hehe, sakura blossoms would make a good flower for a tombstone! I could do an offer!"
"Typical Hu Tao, typical death" Xingqiu said whilst everyone chuckling. Chongyun felt happy at that moment. He forgot all about his worries, being able to hang out with his best friends, especially his lo- homie, Xingqiu. They laughed the day away, making jokes, and even having other people join in. Even Xiao decided to take part in the conversation at one point! Some sakura petals even ended up landing on their heads. It was a night to remember, although when Zhongli joined, all he could tell was fascinating stories about Inazuma and the sakura trees, minor details about the archon too. They talked for the whole day, non stop, they were practically covered in sakura petals by the end.
Chongyun and Xingqiu even forgot about the letter! well, almost..

After the last laugh, everyone left leaving the blue haired teens together. Chongyun was trying to remember something important, that he didn't notice Xingqiu shaking and pulling off each petal that intertwined with his hair. When he finally realized, he turned to notice Xingqiu picking off petals from Chongyun's head,but those two faces were so near each other, that Chongyun could smell Xingqiu, the fresh scent of books, a clean old library, and a hint of mint. He suddenly turned red only noticing how close their faces were.

"Xing, at least tell me if you're gonna do that next time!" Chongyun said, trying his best to calm downi.
"Fine, but it was all over your head! why wouldn't i pick them off?"
"I guess you have a point.."
"may i resume now?"
Xingqiu starts gently removing the petals again, while Chongyun could feel his soft hand roaming through his light blue locks of hair.
"Chongyun, your hair is so soft.." Xingqiu managed to murmur.
Chongyun didn't hear anything though, too focused on the warm feeling of Xingqiu's hand.
After he was all done, he told Chongyun to look at him.
"Ah, Xingqiu, yes?"
"I'm done, hehe." Xingqiu said.
"Oh ok, well regarding the letter uh.. here." Chongyun said, slowly giving Xingqiu the letter.
It felt like decades before Xingqiu grabbed it and read it, a nice pink shading his cheeks.
"I.. feel, the same way.." He said, trying his best not to make things akward.
"You do!?"
"Yes, i do."
he managed, before he kissed Chongyun on the cheek.
And who knows what happened after,
they did know they would love each other forever,
even if,
one of them,
had died.

Authors notes:

His blade was sharp, but he was dull (Chongyun x Xingqiu)Where stories live. Discover now