Nightmares to tell

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Chongyun woke up from a vivid dream, almost a coma, he had dreams like this which almost predicted the future,
well, only sometimes.
But a dream like this... he was scared of losing him.
He tightened his grip on his bedsheet, not knowing what to do say speak or think.
"Yun-yun..?" Xingqiu asked, looking at the other male.
"I- i had the most vivid dream.. *sigh*"
he darker blue headed male turned on the light and hugged the other.
"hey hey, calm down, tell me about this dream."
Chongyun didnt know what to say, nor did he wanna confess at his little sleepover with Xingqiu.
Unfortunately for the poor exorcist, dreams like this would cost extended days of sleep, but for some reason this one was cut short. "It's uh nothing!.. i'm sure i'll be ok.. i think." "Yunny yun, i think isn't sure enough, but if you say so.." Xingqiu tucks Chongyun into bed, and he sleeps as well. Chongyun tosses and turn, not being able to sleep, it went on until 6 am, where he finally tired out.

Chongyun, for the rest of the day, didn't get out of bed. He was much to tired, even when Xiangling Hu Tao and even Xinyan visited he wouldn't get out of bed. All he wanted to do was run away, far far away, in a place where he would be alone, with no memories to hurt it.

A week went by and Chongyun finally got out of bed, the only other reason he'd go out was to get a snack, water, or take a shower, usually, Xingqiu would visit him, but Chongyun always denied his request, fearing if he got to close to him, and his dream really did happen, then he wouldn't be able to handle it much well, even if he would be in the after life.
He was confused with his own feelings, especially his feelings towards Xingqiu. He slowly crept out of his house in the midday, and into the soaring sun, unsurprisingly seeing Xingqiu immediately sprinting towards him then jumping on his, causing both blue haired males to fall. "You idiot! You dumbass!" Xingqiu says while shaking the poor boy under him. "You know how much i was worried!? Do you know how much i was panicking!?" Xingqiu had many tears falling down his face, dripping onto Chongyun's shirt. He felt a little bit of his own run down his face. "You stupid.. dummy!" Xingqiu said, while Chongyun stayed silent.
Xingqiu then hugged the other male, crying into his shirt even more. "At least warn me next time..! ugh.." yet all Chongyun did was pat Xingqiu's back, they stayed like this for a while until Xingqiu stopped sobbing and asked "what's up with you these past days?" and yet the only answer he received was silence. "Xing, please, just- be patient, i need time." "I know but, can't you open up to me even a little?" they both look at each other. "*sigh* I understand, but at least let mee stay with you for a little?" the boy pleaded. "Fine.." Xingqiu's eyes lit up dragging Chongyun inside the house as they both sat on a couch.

Xingqiu didn't want to press further, so all he did was pull out a book and start reading while Chongyun was covered in thoughts.
my dreams didn't make much sense..
but it also did?
or was it a foresight
maybe i'm overthinking..
Xingqiu's gonna be fine right?
Though he really cares about me..
he's just a friend right?
i don't feel anything towards him,
but at the same time he makes me better.
Like i can count all the stars,
like i can count how many strands of hair i have,
maybe i do love him...
but what he only like girls?
what if he's dating someone?
ugh.. my head hurts..
Chongyun kept all these thoughts inside, however, he was getting too hot, which wasn't good.
at all.
"Yun yun?" Xingqiu asks, closing his book. "Oh- um- yea?"
"You look like you're gonna explode.. let's go outside, it's much cooler."
"no buts."
Xingqiu drags Chongyun outside again.
"Hey.. Xingqiu.."
oh shit oh fuck should i ask him or should i say something else
"Yun yun?"
hurry up hurry up.. dammit Chongyun!
"Chongyun, what do you want to ask?"
Chongyun glances up at Xingqiu,
staring into his dark blue hair, which reflected the sky perfectly, (it's night time for the ones who are confused)
not as perfect as Xingqiu though.
"I like the sky"
"Yun yun that's not a question, but yes, the sky is very pretty" Xingqiu chuckles.
"W-would you..."
"would i what?"
"would you like.."
"like what?"
"would you uh like um date a man?"
oh fuck i'm dead nope.
"Sure, depends on who it is though."
"I said what i said, now, why do you ask?"
"Because.. i uh-"
"Becuase you like men?"
"i uh.."
"i'll take that as a yes my liege."
"I'll go off now, see you my dear Chongyun."
Xingqiu left, both of them flustered.
Chongyun going back inside, and sleeping.
The next morning, he woke up and was reminded of yestarday, he pushed it aside as best as he could and started to train after getting ready. He was a little shook, but he would try his utmost best like everyday before. Xingqiu sometimes showed up to read a book while he trained, and this was one of the days. After training, they'd usually go for a talk and go to wanwin book house, then sit on a bench and talk to the day awake with Xiangling and Hu Tao shortly after. He decided that tomorrow would be the day to confess, it was the day that the sakura trees imported from inazuma would bloom, and he needed to prepare.

HOLY- YALL. YALL. WE GOT 3K VEIWS I LOVE YALl SO MUCH OMG y'all probabky don't like me back cause of the angst tho ✋‼️/j BUT ANYWAYS this book will continue on and the next chapter is the last, but anyways i need help bc i'm still gonna write more books, like duh- anyways idk if i should write a ship, OR an x reader, so like y'all comment what you want or sum. ANYWAYS i promise i won't make y/n a pick me. i'll be explaining what happened in a different chapter of this book. anyways next chapter might be angsty or not who knows. and btw this chapter was rushed so don't expect it to be too good

His blade was sharp, but he was dull (Chongyun x Xingqiu)Where stories live. Discover now