An Icey Cold Touch

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Xingqiu woke up feeling dizzy, his head pounding him into bits. He didn't talk at all, not even a breath was heard from him, his eye bags draping down his eyes. All he wanted to do was nothing, which was unusual, usually he'd be reading books 'Oo' and 'Ah' ing. He stayed in bed, look up at the ceiling. He refused to eat, and only look up at ceiling, thinking it was stargazing with Chongyun, they went out stargazing often, and he enjoyed it. He enjoyed all of the times he spent with Chongyun, even when they argued, since they easily over came it. Eventually, he got a letter from his mom saying "It's from Chongyun." Xingqiu grabbed the letter, and opened it just as his mom closed the door.
"Dear Xingqiu,
i miss you a lot and i wish your letters were longer, but i understand.
I've been feeling weird about you... i hope it'll ease.
I wish you were here, i miss you and i feel so bad
i didn't write you anything, i was just having fun and forgot... how could i.
Please forgive me, i wish you were here.
much regrets,
He sighed, but was a bit glad Chongyun was having fun.
"Dear Chongyun,
i'm sure it's just your positivity, and please do not worry about me.
I shall wait for your return, i hope you had much fun.
i cant wait to read those books!
dearest friend
he sent it off and thought of Chongyun and his family while twisting and turning in bed.
Next thing you know Xingqiu's head was buried in a pillow, thoughts creeping in his head. He needed a break, his thoughts were getting to the best of him, so he snuck out, knowing full of the consequences.
He didn't care at this point though.
He wanted to be free, he wanted to have color, he wanted to be able to feel and express emotion, rather than faking it.
His heart sunk when he snuck out, but it soon rose again looking at the sunset. The wind blew on the side of his face, is hair flowing like the excitement and rush in his veins. It was a bit colder than usual, but it reminded him of his dear Chongyun. It reminded him of his cold touch, of his cold loving self, but it comforted him. He smiled in the distance. Small trickles of water slowly crept down Xingqiu's face. He never felt so free in the past days, he missed his old self.
He missed Chongyun.
But he knew he's never be able to make his family happy like this, so as the sun went down he looked at the stars, remembering when he and Chongyun would lay down and count stars. And as the stars lit up the sky, it lit up Xingqiu, almost as if he was glowing, as if he had that missing piece. His freedom soon came to an end when he sneakily crept back inside. Puffy eyes, and a bit of wet draping down his face. He went to sleep peacefully and soundly, knowing that Chongyun would've looked up in the sky too. Surprisingly, they both looked, missing each other's comfort.
Missing each other's warmth.
Missing themselves.
And most importantly, missing each other.
Tears went down the cryo users face when he looked at the stars, hoping his dear Xingqiu was alright, hoping he was having his own fun.
'i miss you'
they both thought thinking of each other, it was only 3 days till Chongyun's return, and Xingqiu was very happy about it.
Cuddling their pillows, they both crossed into the dream world peacefully and sound fully.

His blade was sharp, but he was dull (Chongyun x Xingqiu)Where stories live. Discover now