Chapter 12-Beneath Plastic Stars

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Chapter 12-Beneath Plastic Stars

The next morning Louis woke to find Harry’s head on the pillow beside his. He lay on his side, his arm across Louis’ chest and one long leg flung across his torso, clinging to him in a way that Louis found deeply endearing. He reached to push his dark curls out of the way before examining his face in the pale pre-dawn light that crept in through the gap in the curtains.  He was so handsome; his full pink lips softly pouted and his jet black eyelashes fluttering at some dream…Even his nose was pretty-Straight but with a cute little snub tip.  Louis kissed his cheek softly but he didn’t stir.

“Hey Harry, wakey wakey.” He reached over and flicked the tip of his nose-just a gentle flick, just meant to be a joke…

“NO!”  The silence was shattered by Harry’s scream. He leapt out of the bed, crashing to the floor in a tangle of limbs and bed-sheets.   “NO! DON’T TAKE ME! PLEASE DON’T TAKE ME!” He shot backwards on all fours across the carpet until his back smashed against the wall where he cowered, arms over his head, shaking violently and gasping for breath like he was drowning.

“What the fuck?! HARRY!”  Louis leapt from the bed and ran towards him, dropping to his knees in front of him and reaching out. But Harry seemed so blinded by terror that he didn’t recognise him. He swiped his hands away and lashed out at him, clawing, kicking and snarling, baring his teeth like a cornered animal.

“NO! NO! YOU GET THE FUCK AWAY FROME ME!  I can’t take it! I can’t!  Please! Please, don’t take me away!” He was ranting, raving, trapped in some nightmare, eyes wide and staring at nothing, tears pouring down his cheeks.  “Don’t take me to that room, please! I haven’t done anything! I obeyed! I was good, I’ve been good…I OBEYED!”

“HARRY!”  But it was like he couldn’t hear him.  As Louis watched in horror he slumped forward, hands over his ears, and let out a primal gut-wrenching scream, like the cry of an animal in pain.   “HARRY!” Louis lunged forward, catching hold of his face.  “HARRY, OPEN YOUR EYES!  LOOK AT ME! LOOK!”  For a few minutes Harry struggled against him, eyes screwed shit, almost as if he was afraid of what he might see, then he opened them and looked up at him…And it was like a veil had been lifted away. He stared at him, eyes widening with recognition. Louis gazed into those jade eyes, so wide and frightened. He spoke slowly, his voice calm and soothing.  “Harry it’s me, it’s Lou. You’re ok; no one’s going to take you anywhere…” Harry’s eyes filled with fresh tears and he slumped forward into his arms, pressing his face into his shoulder, his entire body still shaking and his heart pounding against his. He clung to him like a little child.  “Shhh, its o.k…You’re safe Harry, you’re safe.”

“Please don’t send me back there…Please…If you send me back he can get at me. Please don’t send me back. I want to stay here with you.” The word’s came out in a jumble between choked heart-breaking sobs. “Please…I’ll be good to you Lou, I’ll let you do whatever you want…Just please let me stay…Just for a few days…I can’t-I can’t go back, not yet…I need a break Lou, I just-I need a break…”

“Shhh…Harry please, please don’t cry.” Louis hugged him close, rubbing soothing circles on his back with his hands. “Shhh…” He released him and pushed him gently back onto his knees, before reaching to wipe away his tears with his fingers. Harry looked so scared, and so very young, his sobs slowing to choking gasps, his eyes ringed with red.

“I-I’m sorry Lou. I’m so sorry…”

“Shhh…You’ve nothing to apologise for.” Louis reached to cup his soft cheeks.  “Now, here’s what we’re going to do...You’re going to go back to bed and get some rest…And I’m going to get you a cuppa.”

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