Chapter 2-Louis

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Chapter 2-Louis

“I love you. You know that, don’t you?”

Fuck, he’d actually done it…Louis turned to look at her, forcing a smile as a wave of guilt washed over him.  He’d set out to make her do just that and  one look at her expression, so adoring, told him that he’d been successful.  She loved him completely… and he loathed himself for his success, because he didn’t-couldn’t-ever feel the same.  Eleanor Calder was beautiful, even he could see that…Slender and doll-like, with sweetheart lips, huge brown eyes and long wavy brown hair like a mermaids.  And she was also sweet, funny and kind…Somebody’s dream…Just not his.

“I know. I love you too.” He muttered, loathing himself for lying to her…He wasn’t a naturally cruel person, hated deceiving her like this. After all, none of this was her fault- she was just a pawn in a game she was too naïve to even be aware of, just collateral damage.  She tilted her head toward his expectantly, lifting her mouth to his and he kissed her mechanically.

“So you’ll come to the company party as my date?” He pulled away and she smiled at him.

“Of course. After all, you’ll need your girlfriend by your side for moral support. Is it black tie?”

“Yeah. You know my dad.”

“I do. I’ll wear my Chanel. What time will you pick me up on Saturday?”

“I’ll come in the limo for around six. We need to walk the red carpet.” He rolled his eyes and she laughed.

“Can we photobomb people?”

He couldn’t help but smile at that. She really was a great friend, funny, smart and kind…And as reluctant heir to her father’s PR company they had a lot in common…It would all be so much easier if he could just love her.  “Not on the red carpet…But later when we’re drunk? Absolutely!”

He kissed her cheek, before opening the cab door for her. He watched as it drove away, disappearing down the long drive.

Back inside the mansion it was dark and cool.  He closed the heavy oak front door and slumped miserably against it, rubbing a weary hand over his face.  He was beginning to wonder how long he could keep this up…And then his father’s voice reverberated around the vast entrance hall reminding him that he didn’t have a choice.

“Well done Louis.”

He looked up to the sound of clapping. Mark Tomlinson stood at the bottom of the sweeping oak staircase, his lips pursed in his usual calculating smirk as he narrowed his eyes at his first born son, coolly assessing him for any cracks, any signs of weakness, or worse, defiance.

“Eleanor Calder is a good choice.” Vincent Blake, his father’s assistant and chief sycophant, clad in a long black wool coat and his usual black leather gloves, perched on the step above his father like a raven at his shoulder. “Only at the start of her career, but still a model, and at least she comes from money. Her father’s company will be a welcome addition to the Corporation. Such a pretty…girl.

Ah, the Corporation-TommoCor-The largest corporation in the U.K and worth billions. .  His family had owned it for generations, handing it down from father to son, each generation adding to its success.  One day he would own it…whether he wanted it or not-Although lately he'd began to wonder if they really ran the corporation at all anymore, or if it ran them.  Certainly he felt like nothing more than a cog in the machine.  Everything for TommoCor, his father had always said…Including him…

“I glad you approve Vince.” He shot the young man a look of pure contempt that was met with one of equal venom. It was no great secret that Vincent thought of Louis nothing but an irritation, a spoilt little rich kid who wasn’t worthy of the honour of inheriting the role of Corporation President, and a danger to the Corporation’s reputation that he had to control.  Louis thought he was an arse-licking wee twat…though he’d hand over his position of heir to him in a second if he thought his father would agree to it.

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