Part 16: Confession?

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The way things are, Type and Tharn talked about their issue the next day when Type's in the right state of mind and more calm. They have come to an agreement that Tharn won't do extreme stunts for publicity or for fans. Tharn also promised that he won't let his boyfriend down in whatever reason but no person is perfect.

However, they cannot declare their relationship to everyone and if asked, Tharn would remain single in the public up until the right time comes but who knows how long that would be or what will come in between them.

"Type! Hey Type! Dude, you're spacing out" Fight shake him. They're at their usual spot waiting for Tine and Pharm who still got classes.

"Maybe sex with Tharn blew his mind that made him like that" Win answered in which, he got hit by his boyfriend at the of his head.

"You~" Team warned and Win just smiled mouthing 'sorry' to his boyfriend.

"Nahh, I'm thinking about something else" Type said. He grabbed his notes and pretend to read them but it was snatched by Joong.

"What kind of something else is that?" Joong said before he put Type's notes away.

"Is it about something..."

"Is about when Korn held you back earlier?" Leo said. There's some class he shares with Type and in one of their class. Korn held Type back to talk a bit.

"Yeah... Uhm he said he wants to talk to me about something privately and I'm hesitating. Like, What would be that something that he can't speak of?" Type said, He is really bothered by it. Korn is kinda bit expressive that he likes Type but Type just dismiss it as being just friends.

"Maybe he will confess?" Fight said, that could be one of the reason why he wants to talk to Type privately.

"or maybe... he got a favor to ask from you?" Leo said and the rest nods their head in unison.

"He will confess, that I am sure. He seems to like Type a lot." Joong said. Anyone with eyes can see how Korn look at Type and his actions are giving him away, making it so obvious that he really like Type.

"Well... If it bothered you so much, did you tell P'Tharn about that yet?" Team asked, he got a point though. Checking with Tharn can be Type's option, because what if he really confessed?

"I won't drag P'Tharn into this. I'll try to handle this myself" Type said. In his mind, there's no need to let Tharn know about simple matter, he is already busy enough. So, if Korn really confess then he will just reject him outright and tell him that he got a lover already.

"Up to you, Type" Team said.

"Oww! You guys here!" Dean said, he is with Sarawat, Tutor and Nine.

"Uy phi! Join us!" Win happily greeted their seniors, followed by his friends. They hit it off with them at Tharn's confession at the cafe. They get to hangout after that since they gave privacy to the couple.

"Yo, Type! How's Tharn?" Dean asked, he is siting in front of Type.

"Why are you asking me? Aren't supposed to be his brother and his friends?" Type said. If anyone knows how Tharn is, then it should be Dean then next would be Type.

"Ooii! So rude, brother in law!" Dean commented that made all of them laughed. They're all in getting to know stage about each other and their friends too.

"By the way, where's your brother?" Sarawat butted in, looking at Type. When they saw the group of friends, he immediately find his target in which he failed to do so.

"He's in class" Type checked the time "oh, it's almost time. He might arrive here in less than 10 minutes" Type added, nodded at Sarawat.

"Oh, which building and what room?" Sarawat asked and like a hint, all the people present in that table turned their heads at Sarawat and throw him a knowing look.

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