Part 18: Grant me a wish

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Type's POV.

"P'Tharn, can you let me speak first?" I removed my glasses, like this I won't be able to see his face properly. A blur image of him standing a meter in front of me is enough.

"Type..." He tried calling my name again, I will miss this.

"Please, phi?" I don't know but I guess I am practically begging him. I can feel him nodding.

Can't help falling in love -

(A/N: I was listening to this song while writing this part and I don't know but it hits different 😂)

I took a deep breath, This is all or nothing. This is what i've decided, "I know what I am about to say will be the selfish side of me and didn't consider your feelings but I hope you'll understand me." I started, Tharn is just silent. "I love you and I want you to know that I am sincere and honest with feelings for you. P'Tharn, I want you to grant me a wish and forgive me at the same time but can we please break up? I know I'm asking for something ridiculous and we just talked earlier. You know, I am glad that you returned my feelings. I was so sure before that you'll never gonna notice me, I am just one of the millions who likes you, who follows you, just one in a million followers tou got. I don't stand out, I'm not even good looking and I am a man to boot." I keep talking and talking. Tharn never really said a thing, did he even cry? I don't know.

"I can't be the one for you. I- I don't want to be a burden to you. I love you too much for that. You know what phi? I was so happy when you asked me to be your boyfriend. I want to let the whole world know that 'Hey! I got 'Tharn Suppasit' as my boyfriend' but I can't do it. I'm just like a star, there's million of us and you're the moon." I faked laugh but who am I fooling? I've been crying nonstop. "You know, let me tell you this story. A boy once asked the moon 'Will you turn your head and just shine for me?' but the moon answered, 'I am sorry young man, I can't possibly do that. I am the moon and I shine for everyone.' the boy cried, he answered to the moon 'but I'll give you my everything including myself' but sadly the moon still refused. 'I can't shine just for you because I am here for everyone and no one get to own me. I will guide your path but it is up to you what you take.' The boy cried even more and call the moon a liar and left. Since then the moon never saw the boy again, the moon is confused why the boy called him a liar and one of the stars beside him tells him the story about the moon who promised the boy he will light everyone's dark path but will only shine for the boy. The boy was his lover. I am the boy" I didn't know why but I told Tharn a nonsense story that I just made up.

"but I was never a moon" That's the only sentence Tharn said after that so long narration of mine.

"You're my moon, P'Tharn." I said to him and that's a fact.

"You're really selfish Type. I love you, you know?" He said, now it's clear to me that he is crying. I want to go and hold his hand and say I won't leave but I can't risk something that I am uncertain and I know it'll just hurt us more. If I am only mature enough.

"I know phi... I am sorry" I bow down to him as a sign of my sincerest apology. "Thank you for granting me this wish. We were together for just a month or so but it feels forever, I am glad and thankful for you. Take care of yourself phi, I will support and love you from afar. I love you" I left the last sentence unsaid. Ridiculous? I know. I'm stupid? I know. I'm selfish? I know. but this is for the best.

I turned around, wear my glasses and walk to Dean. "Phi, can you drive me home?" He just nodded at me. I rode the car. Sarawat went with Tharn.

The ride is nothing but quiet. Dean never asked, he didn't judge me, he never questioned me.

"I won't say this will be our last meeting, Type. Our friends are close already, I just don't want you to cut ties with us too. Take care of yourself and think about your decisions carefully" Dean said before I get off the car.

"Thank you phi" I said to him before I left.

When I entered our house, Tine and the rest of my friends are there waiting for me. And like a kid, I broke down as soon as I see them. I cried and cried again. I lull myself to sleep with tears on my face. Tharn's face keeps flashing before eyes.

I didn't know when did I fell asleep but I did and when I woke up the next day, the memory of last night came rushing like a train. I cried again. Its my fault, I know but I am a human with emotions too. Not because I was the one initiated the separation doesn't mean I wasn't hurt.

My friends are still in our house. I am grateful for their company but I don't appreciate it now.

"Guys, I have a favor to ask." I said and they all turned their heads to me. I gave them a reassuring smile and again who am I fooling? Myself, of course. "I'm staying at home for the time being and I appreciate if we don't interact for the mean time at the university. I want to be alone for the mean time" They all gave me a worried look. I will go back to our family home, no one's there since our parents just went for a 3-months business trip.

"but Type..." Tine spoke.

"Please, I beg of you" I said, I want to cry but I guess I've cried enough. It wont fall no matter how I try. They agreed in the end.

I think being alone is the best for me. I'm sorry everyone, I'm sorry P'Tharn. I hope you'll find someone who can understand you and that wasn't me. Maybe, I can work things out better but this is for the best.

Until then. I hope if we see each other again face to face, I can look into your eyes without guilt. I hope that I can accept if you love someone else. I hope you'll be happy. I'm wishing the best for you, My honey.

The end. Chos 😂

Edit/Add: I just want to let you guys know that I was crying with Type while writing this part 😂

Deym, I just ran away from a bunch of things under my tab and I wrote something like this? HAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm sorry.

I'm still busy, I'm so done with everything. Things just keeps piling up and its just Tuesday 😂 so the next update may not be this coming weekend, it might be the one after that.

Anyways, Thank you for your votes, comments and reads.

Lovelots 💙❤️

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