Part 12: Sarawat?

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// I just don't know what to put as a title 😂


Type went home after that event, he knows that Tharn won't chase him since the event is not done yet and he is professional enough and to save his face too.

Type plop on the sofa, he is thankful that Tharn didn't press the matter otherwise he don't know what to say or to do.

"You went to the event again. I thought you won't meet him for the mean time?" Tine appears out of nowhere and startle Type.

"Well... It's supposed be just low-key and will just watch him from the shadows but things work differently" Type said in defeat.

"Yeah, I saw you singing" Tine rudely said. "What's your plan now?" He asked.

Type was taken aback with sudden question from his twin. Wasn't it Tine who said that he won't let Type meet Tharn and now he is asking what's his plan for that celebrity?

"Well... I don't know yet" Type honestly said, he really didn't know what to do. He keep delaying it, Tharn contacted him few times and he just ignores the man. Type is happy that Tharn contacted him but he doesn't want to face him yet.

"You keep half-assing things. Man up and face him already"

"Didn't you say that I shouldn't meet him?" Type rebuked.

"Did you even listen to me? You still went to the event to see him, what's the difference anyway?" Tine said. It's true though, Type's the person who never listen.

"I'll come up with something when the time comes" Type said before he stand up and grab his bag. Tine just his head, what a stubborn and stupid brother he got.

"Whatever! Where are you going?" He asked when Type's walking to the door. He just went home not long ago and leaving again?

"Got shift. I'll be back later" Type said, he waved his hands and left.

"Hey, want me to pick you up later?" Tine chases his brother. Type usually goes home at midnight so Tine opt to pick him up.

"No need, Fight will be there" with that said, Type vanished from Tine's sight.

Tine went back and lay down on the sofa again. He is tired too, he got a lot of work lately and his brother is a pain too. His phone suddenly rings, he looked at the screen and cringe when saw the name of the caller.

"What do you need?" Tine answered. The person on the other line often call him the past few days and he doesn't know why.

"Hi Tine, how are you?"

"I'm always fine, didn't you call me yesterday and asked the same thing?" Tine rolled his eyes, as if the other person can see him.


"What do you want now? If it's Type your asking, he isn't home"

"Ooyyy! You always assume that I'm calling because of Type" The caller said, he sound offended.

"Aren't you?"

"No! I called you because I want to hear your voice" The sentence made Tine to roll his eyes.

"Really? Now you heard it, I'm hanging up" Tine ended the call right after.

Really. Tharn and his friends are a pain in the pass, literally. Not all of them but yeah.

"Phi, we don't have customers? and where is Fight? He doesn't have a shift?" Type asked the manager. The cafe is literally empty and it's unusual because during early night it's always full and busy.

"Well... someone rented the place until closing and yeah, he doesn't have a shift tonight" The manager said and Type just nod his head.

"If they rented the whole place then aren't we going to design it?" Type asked, what kind of rich person who would rent the whole place? A proposal?

"Well, that's why you're here. They just want a simple design, just some lights and flowers" The manager said and it made Type confused. The person might really just wasting their money. They can just rent the second floor but they rented the whole place instead and the design are just few flowers and some lights?

"Oh wow. How much time do we have?"

"An hour or two." The manager said, "we can fix the design in 30 minutes so we have enough time"

"Okay, I'll start then" Type said. He saw a bunch of sunflowers. The person might really like sunflower so much and a bouquet of red roses. So it's really a proposal? Type thought.

Type designed the place, it's just minimal but beautiful. He also used some red and blue led lights that they can use to lit up the place.

Type sits on one of the chair, he looked at the design. He smiled to himself, how lucky the person can be? A simple yet full of love setup. The person in question is really loved. Type set up the place according to his own taste as it was requested by the person who rented the place.

"Type, come here" His manager calls him.

"Yes phi?" Type stand up and walk to the counter. His manager is holding some clothes.

"You have to wear this and fix yourself. You have to look presentable" His manager handed the clothes. It looks expensive. It made Type confused, his brows creased and a large question mark forming in his mind.

"Eh? Why? Is it a request too?" Type questioned, it's the first time that they requested to have the crew to dress up too and it's a suit at that. Who is in their right mind to have the crew to wear expensive suit just to serve them food for few seconds? No one.

"Yes, hurry up. They will be here any moment now" His manager gently pushed him to the locker room.

Type spent a good 10 minutes in the locker room, he had a hard time tying the neck tie. He always have Tine or one of his friends to tie it for him. He also fixed his hair so he really looks presentable.

When Type went back, the cafe is dim and only the led lights that he arranged were lit. His manager is nowhere to be found too.

His eyes slowly adjusted to the dark. He saw a little bit slim man that is same height as him - standing near the window beside the table with a bouquet in his hands. The man's back is facing Type, he doesn't know who the person is. The bouquet that the man is holding isn't the one prepared on the table.

The man turned around and smile at him. "Hi Type"

"Sarawat?" Type muttered. His eyes widened, why is it Sarawat? Type is kinda disappointed, like he didn't expect it but what he didn't expect more is it's Sarawat and not his love life. He scanned the room but there's really no other person in the place aside from them.

They're just staring at each other for a good one minute before Sarawat laughed out loud making Type confused.

// Short update as always 😂

Lovelots 💙❤️

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