Part 24: Come home Daddy

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// I think the story is coming close to its ending maybe at least until part 30 or less? haha

SPOILER ALERT!! This story will have book 2! I have drafted the first part already 😅😂😂

So many pending stories I got 😂😂

P.S. I just don't know what to call this part 😂

No one's POV.

Type entered the car and cry. He isn't over Tharn and everyone knows it, he knew it himself too. After all those years, he still want Tharn but after learning that Tharn got into a relationship with Ice after six months, he lost all the hopes he got. Type tried all the means possible to forget Tharn but he just simply can't. He instead, diverted his focus to his kids and his own well being, if he can't have Tharn then at least he got a memorable thing from him and That's his kids.

Type let Dean to bring the kids to Tharn and he just stayed inside the car. He keep on crying, he knows its no use but he just did the right thing. He just can't simply come in between of Tharn and Ice. Just because they have kids that means Tharn will be with him too, life doesn't work that way and we have to accept it.

"Daddy!" Nat and Alex calls Tharn in unison and it melts Tharn's heart by hearing his kids to call him 'daddy'. He immediately take his kids into his arms, he just want to be with them but he knows he needs to come to an agreement with Type first.

"My babies... I'm sorry, daddy has been away for too long but I promise you now that I am always with you two" Tharn said still hugging his two little kids. If he can just take them home, he will but he can't, yet.

"Are coming home with us? Mommy's sad without you!" Alex said and Tharn wants to tell his kids that it's their mommy who rejected him at first.

"Come home soon, daddy. Mommy will be happy" Nat added and Tharn thought the exact same thing. He will be happy too if Type takes him back but no, he won't. Type no longer need him.

"Kids... enough with daddy. He will visit you again some other time, alright? Mommy's waiting for you two" Dean intervened and Tharn thanked his brother. He doesn't know how to answer his kids questions and he doesn't want to say anything bad that will hurt his kids and will make Type the bad guy.

"Daddy... aren't you coming with us? Come with us daddyyyyyy" Alex started crying and as tears seemed contagious, Nat cried too.

"I don't want to let daddy go" Nat slurry said while holding on Tharn's shirt as tight as she can.

"Daddy promises that he will visit you two again very soon okay? I want to be where you two are too but daddy got something to settle first, okay? Daddy loves you two very much" Tharn said, trying to hold his tears. He too doesn't want to let his kids go yet but the time is up, he should. He can still meet them anyway.

"...but daddy doesn't love mommy that's why he doesn't want to come home with us" Alex cried even more. His kids speaks like they're mature being and Tharn wants to tell his kids that he still loves Type, he love him so much that he can't take it.

"Are you still gonna be our daddy even if you're daddy of someone else?" Nat asked which shocked Tharn.

Tharn hugged the two tightly in response, "Daddy loves you two so much. Daddy only got you two, alright?" He secretly wiped his tears though it didn't passed his brother's eyes.

"Okay kids, let's go? Mommy's waiting. Let go of daddy now" Dean attempts to take the kids but they even tightened their hug on Tharn's body, shouting 'no'. Tharn got no choice but to carry himself his kids back to their car.

Dean opened the door for him and they were greeted by a red eyed Type. He clearly cried but everyone seems to play oblivious to it.

"Natasha, Alexander, let daddy go already. Let's go home..." Type said softly. It's a tone that Tharn used to hear when Type's calling him dearly.

"But mommy! Why can't we bring daddy home? We want daddy!" Alex protested.

"We can't. We already talked about this, right? Right Natasha?" Type said but Nat refused to answer, "Okay.. how about this, we'll visit Dada Gulf and Papa Mew tomorrow? I'm sure daddy will be there too. You can play with daddy as long as he doesn't have work for as long as you can, deal?" Fortunately, it worked. The kids let go of Tharn and the latter immediately left otherwise he won't let them go. He is afraid that he might beg Type to take him back.

Tharn spoke to Dean and then he left first. When Dean entered the car he saw Type passed out while the kids were crying.

Dean rushed to the hospital and while on the way he called his parents.

"Pa, Da, Type isn't waking up. Its been few hours already" Dean's pacing back and forth. It is as if he is Type's husband. Tine's just sitting on the side quietly.

The kids are with Type and Tine's parents.

They didn't inform Tharn on what happened. They completely left them out. It was also Tine's decision to take the kids back to their parents for the mean time.

"The doctor said he is okay. Its just a fatigue, he is just sleeping. He will be fine" Gulf patted Dean's back.

"Alrighty, we'll be leaving. Its late already" Mew said putting his arm on his wife's shoulder to walk him out of the place and just leaving Tine and Dean behind.

"He will be fine" Tine spoke. "I'm worried too but let's not panic too much" He calmly said and it seems to went through Dean's head. It calmed him down a bit.

"You know I'm worried about Type." Dean said but Type didn't add a comment.

"You know that Type still love my brother so much, right? I often see him in daze or cry" Dean said. He notices everything but choose to stay silent about it.

"I've seen worst." Tine awkwardly laughed.

(Flash back - a week after Type and Tharn's break up)

Type came into their place crying. His hands were shaking and voice are hoarse from too much crying.

"T-Tine, help me. Help... Help me." Type begs. He kneels in front of Tine.

"What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?" Tine scolds his twin but Type isn't taking anything.

"I-I want to go somewhere far. Help me.. T-Tharn will take my baby away"  Type's holding his stomach a little bit tight. It shocked Tine but he immediately collected himself.

"Tharn will never do that"

"Nooooo... he will take my baby away from me. I want to go somewhere far. Please help me. Please"Type begs while crying and Tine can do nothing but to support his brother.

(End of flashback)

"Tine, Tine... You okay?" Dean calls Tine out from being dazed. He pulled him out from his memory lane trip.

"Ah? Uhm.. I am. I just hope you support Type with his decision. I know you're Tharn's brother but Type got his reasons. I don't want to see the Type 2 years ago. I wouldn't even try to recall the memory." Tine said and Dean agreed without any further questions.

"If Tharn suffered, Type got it worst" Tine added before he showed Dean a smile. "They should take a path that would make them happy, both of them" And Dean nodded. He thinks so too.


// Hello! How's this part? Haha

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