Ch 18

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Jungkook's pov

After greeting all the guest.We met a man roughly the age of V.He was smirking.After watching him walking our way V tightened his grip on my waist so much that it started to hurt a little bit.

Enwoo : helloo V long time no see

V : hi( he said bitterly I don't know why)

Enwoo : When I saw the invitation of your wedding I was shocked.How can a playboy can be committed to single person.

He chuckled

V : that's non of your concern

Enwoo : of course it's not my concerns but when I saw your beautiful husband I know why you choose to marry so soon.He indeed is beautiful ( he said with a smirk on his face)

He was watching me.I averted my gaze from him.

V : just shut up eat your dinner and leave

Enwoo : oh oh now that's not the way to talk to your guests well I was leaving already.See you soon

He said last sentence eyeing jungkook.V gritted his teeth.

V : why you have to attract everyone towards you

I was shocked

Jungkook : what the hell how is it my fault and well he was just talking you are over reacting in everything.

V : just shut up we are leaving meet your parents and hyung may be you will be seeing them last time or may be you will not meet them so soon at least so go say goodbye you have only 5 minutes.

Jungkook was on verge of crying hearing this but he didn't cry . He has to be strong for his loved one.He left V side and walked towards his parents and hyung.

His parents engulfed him in tight hug,

Mom : when will you meet us kookie ( she said crying )

I couldn't tell what that bastard just said to me a moment ago.I decided not to worry them.I smiled gently.

Jungkook : I will see you guys soon take care everything will be alright.

They smiled a little
I went to yoongi hyung I hugged him tight he started crying as soon as I hugged him.

Jungkook : don't cry hyung you have to take care of my parents I don't know how much time he will keep me.

Yoongi : what do you mean?

I told him what V said

He started crying again

Yoongi : I a-am sorry kookie I couldn't save you

Jungkook : it's okay hyung just take care of yourself and my parents I will try to get rid of this All and don't tell my parents about any of this.
I said crying

He nodded and hugged me again.Suddenly I was yanked back by a strong grip on my arm.It was V.

V : your time is over baby let's go

I saw my loved one last time then he dragged me outside in the car.

The whole car ride was silent.
We were sitting in the car for 40 Min now and we were at the end of the city.i was leaning against the window watching outside view and thinking about my fucking life.

The car stopped in the middle of woods where there was a huge mansion.We got out of the car V hold my hand he was expressionless not saying anything also.His guards were scattered around the mansion.Every outer  corner of mansion.WE got in and I was surprised to see huge white walls with golden linings.But suddenly fear engulfed me as I saw every Wall of the house have one picture of me that I don't know who took and when They took it.V took me to a huge room it was very big.I was busy looking at my pictures shockingly Suddenly V sanked his arms around my waist my breath hitched.

Jungkook : What are you doing?

V : I am hugging my husband any problem?

Jungkook : yes I do leave me I am not comfortable with you

( You see Jungkook is not weak he is surely afraid but not that much afraid)
I stared wriggling in his arms to get free but he tightened his grip

V : you have to be comfortable with me bun you have no other choice

Jungkook was struggling hard suddenly he pushed back hard getting free from V and shouted


V was furious he came closer to me and pushed me against wall.He pinned my both hands with his one hand above my head and yanked my hair from back to tilt my neck.I was breathing fast he licked my neck staring from collarbone to my ear slowly.I was whimpering.I don't want this.This is disgusting.

V : well I am not a fan of forced sex and I will not force you


If you will do things that I don't like them definitely you will get punished and you know it very well you cannot stop are my husband obviously I will touch you but I can assure you I will not put my thing near your thing without consent.

Saying this he let go of me I slid down the wall breathing hard.

Jungkook : I HATE YOU

I shouted but he Tsk only

V : freshen up and sleep you need rest I will come back in an hour and also we will sleep in same bed leave space for me

He winked at me saying last sentence then he left.

Two tear popped out of my eyes I quickly get rid of them by my sleeves and got up to take shower.After taking shower I opened the closet it was full of new expensive clothes I choose black silk night suit and slept.I was to tired to think about anything.

See you in next ch

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