Ch 44

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No one's pov

Hosoek barged in with too many men in black suits.Enwoo and beakyung's eyes widened in shock.They were about to shoot but they stopped seeing the number of men surrounding them.

The large room,in which tae and jungkook were held was filled with Taehyung's men.The atmosphere was strange.Tae was blankly looking at crying and screaming in agony jungkook.Tears streaming down tae's face.

Hosoek : we have surrounded your villa, surrender right now.You are out numbered

Beakyung : h-how did you find us??

Hosoek : just shut up and lower your weapon right now otherwise i will shoot.

During this taehyung's men untied tae and jungkook.As soon as tae was released he looked up to see Enwoo pointing gun at jungkook,who was struggling to walk towards tae slowly.

Enwoo : i know i will die,but he will also die with me.

He was about to pull the trigger


His arm was shot by non other then tae.But he picked the gun immediately and fired in direction of tae.

But it never reached him.It was hit on jungkook's stomach as he came in front of tae.Tae's eyes widened.Jungkook fell on tae.

Tae : JUNGKOOOK!!!!!

Hosoek immediately fired enwoo in leg,gun dropped from his hand

Enwoo fell on ground, beakyung rushed his side.Hoseok and his men surrounded them and cuffed them.


His men came and took jungkook in helicopter.Tae was about to go after them.

Hosoek : sir the helicopter is right outside,he kept you on his island that's why we were late.I am so sorry.plz take master jungkook.

Tae : i will see you later hosoek,just pray that koo survives this otherwise i will destroy all of you!

He snapped

Hosoek lowered his head

Hosoek : sorry sir

Tae : tie these two bastards in basement and kill all his men.Also burn this villa.

Hosoek : ok sir

Saying this he rushed to helicopter.As soon as he settle down there.Jungkook's screaming died slowly.He was struggling to keep his eyes open.Tae panicked seeing his love dying slowly in front of him,in his arms.

Tae : k-koo plz keep your eyes open we are almost there

Jungkook : i-i c-cant,i-its t-too m-much

Hearing this tae's heart clenched,he can't see Jungkook in pain.Tears started following from his eyes.

Tae : p-plz baby,for me plz

Jungkook : i-i w-will t-try.....

Tae : g-good koo just h-hang in there

Jungkook kept trying to open his eyes

Helicopter reached nearby hospital.Jungkook was rushed in.When he was on stretcher.He weekly held tae's hand.Tae was rushing him towards emergency ward.

Tae looked at him with tears in his eyes

Jungkook : i-i love-e y-you s-so much,a-always remember t-that.I w-was yours a-and y-you w-were mine till m-my last b-breath

Tae : don't s-say that plz

Jungkook smiled weakly

He was taken in emergency ward.Tae sat on seats near the emergency room.He held his hair in his hands and pull them.He was crying silently but as soon as jin reached there.He sat near Tae and put his hand on his shoulder.

Jin : tae he will be alright

Tae : i-i....

He was not able to form a sentence.Jin hugged him,for the first time in 20 years,he hugged him.As soon as tae was hugged he cried hard.He broke down.Jin's eyes swell up with tears seeing tae crying like this.Soon hosoek also reached there,along with jungkook's parents and yoongi.

Jungkook's parents were crying silently, praying for there son's life.Yoongi was silent,he was blank.He couldn't speak,he was looking devastated.Soon dr came out.

Tae stood up

Tae : h-how is h-he?

Dr : i tried my best but

I removed the bullet,also injected him pain killers to lessen the pain,but next 3-4 hours are crucial.If he didn't woke up then.....

Tae : THEN WHAT!!!!

He held dr's collar

Dr : i am sorry mr kim,he will not survive then.

Jin made tae let go of dr as tae's hold loosen up hearing this.He fell on the floor.

See you in next ch
Sorry about the prank 😂😂💜💜

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