Dangerous Vist

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~Chilled's POV~

As I walked into my house there was a note on the table beside the door.

Dear Chilled,

You Father has Left for a business trip and I will not be home tonight or tomorow because Im on a tour for now I will be back as soon as possible.

Love, Mum

''Well...' I said walking into the kitchen and grabing some cold pizza from the fridge. I ate it in one bite and went upstairs with Minx following behind me. She was about to get her laptop out when a earthquake happened... ''Minx Are You Okay? Come under My Desk! Hurry Before you get hit!'' I yelled worryingly. Minx crawled under the desk with me and huged me tightly, I turned away pretending to look at somthing but I was really blushing like my cheeks were turning into tomatos.

~The Time Skip to when the Earthquake stoped~

~Chilled's POV~

It had been almost a hour intil the earthquake stoped. My room was a mess and the power went out. Minx decide to call home and ask if she could stay, she thought I would be lonely. I said it was okay but she insisted. I loved that she was so presistent and she was so nice to stay maybe I could finally Kiss her... But then I slaped Myself. Luckly Minx did not notice I was lucky, ''My Parents Said it was All good!'' She said Happily. I nodded, We went back up to my room and started to fix everything. Once we were done I set up a sleeping bag in my room for her. Then the power turned back on. We both Cheered then She got out her laptop and we played On Gmod just for fun intill 10:00pm. ''We should get to bed its geting late.'' She said closing her laptop. I shut downed my computer and Left to the bathroom to change away from Minx. Once I finshed I knocked on the door and came In. Minx was in here cloths still she decided not to change. ''So want to do anything intill we go to sleep...?'' Minx said.

I Will Be By Your Side  Chinx (Minx x Chilled) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now