The Truth

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"I'm all ears, boys. So start talking," Trixie Hale said.

"Wait," Mike said, getting his head around what Trixie had been talking about. "So you're Erica's sister?"

"Yep, that's me," she said.                                                                                                                                                

"I knew you looked familiar! Ben, why didn't you tell me?"                                                                            

"Erica told me I wasn't allowed to-" 

"Hey, I'm waiting," Trixie interrupted impatiently, narrowing her eyes.                                                        

"Well..." I said "I'm not allowed to tell you anything about what your family and I do, it's classified information. You probably already know since you listened to our conversation." 

"So... is my family a group of assassins?" Trixie asked.


"FBI agents?"

"Uh, no."

"National Security Agency language analytics interpreter working for nuclear operators?"


"CIA Agent?"

"Well uhhhhh..."

"I'll take that as a yes," Trixie said. "So is everyone in my family working for CIA?                            

"Not really," I said, realizing that Trixie knew too much, and there was nothing really to keep a secret to this point. "Your sister is a junior spy training to become an official CIA agent, and your dad is already an official spy. Your mom works for for MI6, and your grandpa is a retired CIA agent."                                                                                                                                                                            

"Wow, cool," Trixie said casually, as if I told her an interesting fact about birds, rather than telling her that her family were spies and that they were hiding it from her for many years.                        

"Also," I added. "Don't tell your family that I told you the truth. Erica will kill me." I wasn't exaggerating, as Erica might have had killed me if she knew I told Trixie the truth about her family business.                                                                                                                                                                      

"I won't tell," Trixie promised.

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