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When we all officially moved in, I was expecting this school to be almost exactly like the CIA school, but bigger. I was wrong.

For starters, you didn't have the wear uniforms here. Some students wore t-shirts, but others wore black clothing with jackets and utility belts, kind of like Erica. Our classes were still boring, but our teachers showed more enthusiasm, which made the classes a bit more bearable. Since the school was really big, there were extra rooms, like the counseling room, instrument room, 3 weapon rooms, 3 armory rooms, lots of extra dorms, and a meditation room. Also, the students were very nice and polite, unlike kids like Chip in the CIA school.

When I went into the academy, kids quickly flocked me.

"Oh my! Are you Ben Ripley?"

"Dude, you went on, like, 7 missions in your 2 years at school! Unbelievable!"

"Is Erica your girlfriend?"

I was pretty surprised at how they knew so much about me, but again, George had said that there was no such thing as a secret here.

I was introduced to my dorm. It wasn't too big, but it was bigger than my old dorm and had better air conditioning.

Just as I was starting to put my stuff into the dorm, the ground started to shake. George got on the announcer and spoke through the microphone. It echoed throughout the halls.

"Attention! The CIA has been attacked! A report from them says that the enemy is heading our way! This is not a drill! Take cover!"

Unfortunately, we did not have time to take cover, because right then a jet crashed straight into the building. It kept swerving throughout the building, crashing into stuff as if it was searching for someone.


I quickly ran for it, but it was too late. Someone from the jet snatched me before I could escape, and flung me into the plane. I watch as it flung Mike and Erica into the plane. I couldn't make out the person throwing us into the plane, as the plane was too dark to see anything. Me and Mike had struggled against the enemy, but strangely, Erica didn't even flinch. She just calmly let the enemy fling her into the jet. The jet then flew away after it captured us all. For a moment I didn't speak. 

Finally I said.  "Who are you? Where are you taking us?"

"Call me boss. I am the leader of the evil organization. I heard about your meeting with the headmaster. Couldn't let you interfere with our plan of getting the nuke, could I?" the pilot said in a taunting tone.

"Well, where are you taking us?" Mike asked.

"Oh, you'll find out soon. But meanwhile, why don't you talk with your old friends? You guys have a lot of catching up to do, I assume," he said.

Suddenly, 4 silhouettes emerged from the front of the jet. As they came closer, I recognized their faces, but they had undergone some changes. Mike recognized them, too, because he gasped in shock. Even Erica seemed slightly thrown by their appearance and the fact that they were still alive.

In front of us stood Joshua Hallal, Ashley Sparks, Warren Reeves, and Dane Brammage. But they didn't look the same. Most of them were covered in bionic parts, and Joshua was about fully bionic by now. Me, Mike, and Erica exchanged glances. We were all thinking the same thing.

They were used for test experiments.

Oh, dear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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