Private Meeting

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"Hello! Welcome to the AOS Official Agency," the headmaster said.

We had been riding in the sewers for a while, then stopped at a manhole cover. Our driver popped open it open, and we filed out. When I looked up, I was amazed. The main building wasn't too big, but it was much bigger than the CIA headquarters. A sign on the front doors had the words Leonard and Naomi's Greenside Boarding School, which was probably the fake cover name for the AOS Agency. The building was made yellow and red bricks, but when I looked closer, I realized it was actually made of hard iron, but it was painted to look like it was made of brick so enemies couldn't break through the iron walls. The man led us through the grand hallways of the agency, and led us to an office made of full titanium. Although the outside of the office looked cold, bare, and scary, when he opened the door we were greeted by the scent of fresh wood. The inside of the office wasn't bad, the headmaster sat on a leather chair at a antique walnut desk. The headmaster looked like he was in his late 20s, had jet black hair, and had a welcoming aura.

He welcomed us then introduced himself. "My name is George Boseman, and I'm the great-great-great-great grandson of Elmer Boseman."

Something about his last name seemed familiar. "Wait," I said. Are you related to Chadwick Boseman?"

"Yes," George answered. "Chadwick was my brother. My parent tried to train him to become a spy, but he didn't want to be a spy, like Erica's sister, and decided to become an actor" he said. "It's a shame he died. An evil organization killed Chadwick and made up the story of him dying of cancer. They thought he was pretending to be an actor, but was actually undercover as a spy. Boy, were they wrong."

"Why is the name of this school named the AOC agency?" Mike asked.

"AOC stands for Academy Of Spies," he responded "Now, the reason I called you guys here was to warn you about something. I did not invite Zoe because she cannot be trusted. I do not accuse her of being a double agent, but after Zoe betrayed you in your last mission, I do not trust her very much," he said.

"How did you know Zoe betrayed me?" I asked.

George chuckled. "Oh, the students and staff here are big-time snoops. We know lots of things about you guys that you think is a secret, like how you and Erica kissed when you thought you were going to get annihilated by a bomb in Colorado."

"Wait, what?" Mike asked.

"Never mind," George said quickly. "Anyways, this is what I wanted to warn you about. A new evil organization is trying to retrieve a long lost nuke from World War II. The nuke was being made by Hitler and his crew. It was supposed to be a large, giant nuke, so big it would probably cause a major and wipe out many smaller countries. Fortunately, the bomb was to take a long time to make, and Hitler did not have time. Hitler's side had lost, and the nuke was ditched and buried."

"If the nuke is buried, how will the evil organization find it?" I asked.

"The evil organization had picked up clues in Germany, and has found where the nuke is hidden, and they just have to dig it up, which makes them a step ahead of us. Luckily, some other agents and I found out what they were planning to do. Unfortunately, it's a terrible idea. They want to use the bomb to nuke the west hemisphere side of Earth and blame it on the southern hemisphere. The west side will get mad and declare the third World War, the western war. Before Germany ditched it, though, it was almost done. The nuke was almost ready to be launched, but then Hitler's side lost. Now, this evil organization will uncover the nuke and finish it up, then launch it. You guys have been proven to be quite adept at succeeding in missions, so I want to ask you guys if you can try and stop this organization. Don't worry, our agents will provide you with proper gear and help you along the way," he said.

This was a lot to digest, and it took a second to get my head around it. "So," I said. "You want us to go on this mission?"

"Yep," he said.

"Why can't other agents do it?" I asked.

"It's a really, really, really dangerous mission. The other agents refuse to do it," he answered.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked.

"Nope. If none of the agents will do it, it's up to you and your friends. The fate of the world depends on you now, Ben," he responded.

I wanted to ask more questions, but before I could hesitate any longer, Erica said, "We'll go on the mission."

She hadn't said much the whole time, and it seemed she was listening closely to find any details, clues, or information of where we were heading.

"Alright," George said. " I will warn you, though. This evil organization is very, very secretive. In fact, it's so secretive that the organization doesn't even have a name. We all just call the MOOD, which stands for Main Organization Of Destruction. Also, this organization does not have you typical enemy agents. Most agents that had used to be from a different organization but had been corrupted moved to MOOD. The agents at MOOD run test experiments on their agents. To show you, well, look over here," he said.

He rolled out a projector behind him and played a slideshow on the screen. The first picture showed a picture of a hideous-looking man, with giant, sharp teeth. Their neck was very long, and their hair was greasy and all over the place, like mad scientist hair.

The next picture showed a humongous man with muscles so huge they disappeared off the screen. The picture showed him calmly walking through a door way too small for him, but he just walked right into the wall and broke the entire wall.

"Holy cow," Mike said in awe.

George turned off the projector. "Those were the only photos my agents could get," he said. 

"Before you get started on your mission, me and my agents will get you the proper gear, and meanwhile, in a week, you and your classmates will be staying here with our students," he said. 

"Now, you can go back to the CIA and start packing. You'll be moving here soon, and you'll love your new classes."

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