Sewer Ride

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I shoved away my homework, grabbed my coat, and ran to Mike's dorm. I walked in and quickly filled him in on what we were doing, and we went and followed Erica, who was walking at a fast pace. I quickly caught up to her, then realized that she had picked a lock and entered into a small door, so small that I had to get on my knees to get in. The door had the words RESTRICTED: FOR PLUMBING ONLY  etched onto the door. When I got in, I realized we were in a giant drainage system room. Pipes were strewn everywhere, and some half-buried equipment was piled in a corner. The room had an eerie tapping noise, like the sound of a slow-dripping facet in a big, empty room.

"Uh, why are we in the drainage system room?" Mike asked. "Shouldn't we be going outside, where the parked car is?" 

Erica shook her head. "No, the car isn't parked outside. I just said that in Ben's dorm in case you room was bugged. It does have a reputation of getting attacked, destroyed, ruined, and bugged, so it makes sense to take careful precautions. The actual car is over here," Erica said. 

She nimbly leaped onto the biggest pipe and climbed all the way to the top. Then, she plucked a screwdriver from her utility belt.

Mike immediately sensed what was going to happen.

"Oh no," Mike said. "Not again! Another dirty and gross escape?"

"It's not much of an escape, it's more of a means of transportation," Erica said. "You done complaining? Then get up here and get ready."

We both climbed to the top of the pipe, and Erica easily unscrewed the screws off the pipes with the screwdriver. As soon as it opened, we quickly jumped into the pipe. The pipe was sturdy enough to support out weight and big enough for us to fit in. When I jumped in, I was immediately greeted by the cold, slimy, murky, wastewater as it quickly carried us down the sewer pipe at incredible speed.

After a a minute or so, we shot out from the pipe into a big sewer pipeline. We landed in a boat that looked strangely like a car. At the drivers seat was an old man about in his late 60s. He welcomed us with a grunt. Then, he started the boat. As soon as he started it, tires with odd paddle-like spikes shot out from the boat and the boat began to stir and make a whirring sound. At first I thought it wasn't going anywhere, but then the boat shot through the tunnels at an abnormally fast speed. It was almost as fast as a bullet train, it seemed.

I couldn't help but ask "Who made this boat?" over the sound of the wind and boat.

"The headmaster made it," the man replied in a gruff voice. "It's time you met him." 

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