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CIA headquarters

May 12

1300 hours

I was sitting in my dorm, doing my homework when I had a strange feeling someone was watching me. I turned around and saw Erica Hale looking over me.

"You got a lot of questions wrong," she said with a look of loathing. "Anyways, the headmaster of the AOS Agency wants to see us privately before we all transfer there."

"AOS Agency? Transfer?" I asked, confused.

"Haven't you heard?" Erica asked. "In a week or so, we all have to move to the AOS Agency school for spies. Everyone is packing up and getting ready to transfer. The headmaster wants to see us privately, though."

"Wait a second," I said, my head spinning. "Why are we moving? What does he want to see us for? Why us?"

Erica sighed. "We're moving since you completed so many missions, it puts everyone here at risk of getting attacked or killed by our enemies. The location of the headquarters has been declassified. As for why the headmaster wants to see us, I have no idea why," Erica admitted.

"So what time does the headmaster want to see us?" I asked.

"Right now. Why else would I be here?" she asked crossly. "Also, bring Mike along, the headmaster wants to see him, too, but he says you can't bring Zoe."

"Why? And how do you know about this?" I asked.

"I don't know why, but it is the headmaster's orders. I know about this because the idiot called me to his office and handed me a slip of paper that the headmaster had written on," she said.

The idiot is what we called the principal of our school. He wasn't the official principal of our school, but was just placed there to cover up the identity of the real principal.

"The headmaster of the AOS agency has a car parked outside the parking lot with a driver inside that will take us to the secret base of the school, so hurry up," Erica said in a flat tone.

"Alright, I'm coming," I said.

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