146. Not Crazy, Just a Quirk

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It was nearing the end of the first term of their third year. That brought with it the end of any work studies that had been running throughout. Hizashi, though, was intent on making use of every day Present Mic and Quirkless had remaining.

Considering how much work she'd been doing on publicity, Hizashi had decided it was about time the two of them do a patrol. A joint patrol. With Aizawa.

Apparently, joint-patrols were far from uncommon. Limelight heroes in particular generally went in twos wherever possible, especially when they were starting out. Sometimes that ended in partnerships with unfamiliar people, sometimes that ended in partnerships between people who knew each other inside and out. Today's patrol was definitely the latter variety.

It was very almost a quiet night. Very almost. They were ten minutes from home, it was a group of young adults making their way home and some of them were a little tipsy. With Hizashi midway through an idea about a logo for Silver— she'd mentioned during the interrogation he'd launched on the topic of her internship as soon as she got back that the black square on her beautiful new jacket was meant for a logo she didn't have yet— he only noticed when Silver was suddenly not beside him.

Silver noticed miles before he did. Aizawa too.

One of those idiots had stumbled into the middle of the road and a car was already on the way. Silver was sprinting for him and Hizashi couldn't tell if she was going to make it in time or not. It was going to cut close, that was for sure.

Then Aizawa swung into the picture, quite literally. He'd been shadowing them from the rooftops, more familiar with that landscape than the ground level so he was definitely moving at speed, swinging from a lamppost grabbing hold of the two in the road, and getting them out of the way easily in time.

The young man suddenly seemed a whole lot more sober than he had before almost getting run over.

It shouldn't have been a big thing. They had to take the guy to the nearest hospital to make sure he was ok, and they'd have some paperwork tomorrow. That should've been all it was.

Instead, the man had to sheepishly apologise that his quirk had activated in his panic and would likely affect Aizawa and Silver for a few days at least. Since it was hallucinogenic, both would have to be taken out of active duty.

Despite that, Aizawa still wanted to teach and Silver still wanted to go to school. Hizashi had tried, Hitoshi had tried, Eri had tried, but the two were stubborn mules and they fed off each other's stubbornness.

When morning came and neither of them reported seeing anything strange, Hizashi hoped that maybe the quirk hadn't hit them. Homeroom went by, and still nothing.

Honestly, the two of them were starting to think it was all a false alarm. Considering their luck, it was probably wishful thinking but maybe the universe owed them this just this once.

With homeroom over, Aizawa headed for the staff room to get some marking done before he had to teach. Silver meanwhile started on today's work packet from Rat-Bear, while her classmates did English with Hizashi.

An unfamiliar teen with blue mist for hair entering the classroom shouldn't have been odd. They were in a school with hundreds of teenagers, it was literally impossible to escape them.

This was a little different though. For one, Silver didn't recognise him, at all. Sure, she didn't know the names of every person in the building but she'd been here long enough to know faces. His face did not belong at UA. For two, she didn't remember hearing the door go, and yet, here he was, having entered a room when the only ways in were very visibly closed. For three, nobody else had noticed him. Strangers in a classroom had the natural effect of drawing the attention of everyone away from their work, but all the focus was on Hizashi as he talked about a short piece of English literature. For four, Hizashi hadn't stopped talking to acknowledge the teenager in the classroom. That was perhaps the most damning evidence of them all. Hizashi always stopped the moment there was an interruption, aware that his voice was loud and a lot of kids were too nervous to try to speak over him even when it was urgent.

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