Erik Killmonger- Wildest Dreams

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(Word Count: 520)

"Tell me about where your daddy was from."

You and Erik were a mess of tangled limbs and blankets. You were pressed firmly against him, breathing to his steady heartbeat.

A sideshow woke you out of your sleep. You were used to the sound of tires screeching and skidding in circles outside your apartment. So was Erik. But you couldn't get back to sleep, and you didn't think he even slept in the first place.

"Go back to sleep, them niggas will quit eventually." Erik said in a deep, raspy voice.

You felt the rumble in his chest when he spoke and turned over to face him. You smiled up at him through the darkness. Erik glowered at you, his eyes narrowed into slits.

"If you tell me, it'll help me sleep." You told him. You had your face in the crook of his neck, peeking up at his face every once in a while.

"I got something that'll knock your ass out." He muttered. You laughed.


He clicked his tongue at you and pulled you up onto his chest.

"Fine. You wanna know about Wakanda, I'll tell you." He finally relented. You squealed in anticipation.

The two of you laid there as he told you the story of the African nation that was never colonized or enslaved.

Wakanda was a beautiful dreamscape you and your family were far removed from. The place sounded like a fantasy from the part of your brain that resented how American you were. You loved your city, but the idea that one day your future kids could grow up in a place that was brimming with love and community without outside input telling them how to act, how to wear their hair etc., was magical to you. And healing.

Erik was the only black American you knew who could even come close to calling any specific African country his ancestral home. You hadn't even registered the fact that you couldn't do so until you met him. You couldn't miss something you'd never experienced.

It made you wonder why Erik refused to mention his father to you. You met his mother, and saw pictures of his parents, but nothing about his father beyond that. Just that he was moved to the United States as an adult and died when Erik was a kid.

You frowned and stared out the blinds. You could see pieces of the night sky through the slats. It was so vast and beautiful, filling you with all the courage in the world.

"You'll go there one day, right?" You wondered.

Erik studied you. There was no escaping his gaze. His right hand wrapped around your waist, and the other raked across your back. Both swift actions pushed you up higher, face to face.

"Erik!" You yelped.

"When I get to Wakanda, you goin' with me. You gon' see it for yourself." Erik exclaimed, proudly.

Then he kissed you with all the passion and force behind his words. And in that moment, you were two people lost in love and promises of the future.

It was all you could ask for.

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