Steve Rogers- Study Time Delights

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(Word Count: 380)

The light from your computer screen was harsh on your eyes.

You found yourself flicking back and forth from the screen and to a notebook. Letting out a yawn and slumping back in your chair. You fought the urge to fall asleep.

You blink and pull yourself back up. The sociology final due tomorrow stared back at you. You huff and lean forward.

"Stick with it, doll." The smooth baritone filled the whole room.

You turn around, greeting him with a tired smile. Steve. His kind eyes were a welcome change from a half finished essay. The man made his way over to you—and you spied a steaming mug in his hand. Your eyes lit up, more alert as the smell filled your nostrils.


Steve nodded, "I hope you like it. The package says it boosts brain function."

You take the mug, and set it down on your desk. You bring your hand back to his now empty one, and pull him closer. He obliged, wrapping you in a long hug.

"You're almost there." He said.

The warmth from the tea still radiated from his palm.

"Thank you." You told him.

Letting you go, Steve reached in his jacket pocket. It was small notepad. He used it to catch up with the times.

"I'm just here for encouragement."

With that he walked off before quickly returning with his record player. Hooking it up, the sound of soft jazz rang throughout the house. It was Ellington playing the piano in a smooth melody. Ellington was one of Steve's favorites, yours too.

Taking a sip of your tea, your eyes linger on the good captain for a little while longer. In your headscarf, half asleep and wanting nothing more than to go to bed, Steve came to remind you that everything would be okay. What a man he was.

As you looked at your essay again, the tiredness still slowed you down, but it didn't stop you.

You worked well into the early morning hours, and Steve did too. Occasionally glancing up at you as he read through SHEILD files and mission reports, Steve was nothing if not diligent.

Together in the space with each other's presence as comfort, finals didn't feel as daunting.

You could handle this. You would be just fine.

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