Loki Laufeyson- Legacy

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(Word Count: 1k)

Your feet were killing you, and you wanted nothing more than to crumble on the spot.

"Heimdall, when will we be done?" You whined. 

The great man turned to you, his swift gaze full of everything in and beyond Asgard. You would take his place one day, ascend to the position of Gatekeeper. Heimdall chose you out of millions—you had yet to see the faith he had in you for yourself.

"Lady Y/N, you are impatient. Do not let it overshadow your abilities." He said. His voice was calm and precise, as your mentor always was.

You nodded solemnly, wiping away the exhaustion from your face. Heimdall had an uncanny talent for commanding such things from you and achieving results that way, too.

His seriousness was sobering—he saw everything, everywhere in the nine realms. All the good, but far more evils than you could imagine.

"You are to return by morning. Go." He declared. The stoic man raised his brows at you, and gestured towards the exit.

You held in your excitement, and nodded as you all but ran out of the chamber and into the night.


You decided that your first night outside of your quarters—your first night in public as Lady Y/N, the future guard of the Bifrost who pledged loyalty to the Allfather and to Asgard, would be beautiful.

You shed your heavy armor for a flowing golden gown, your curls full of gold ribbons and rings were out and free. You kept your sword, though. The large blade was a gift from Heimdall. It couldn't open the Bifrost, but it was powerful in its own right. It would be your source of strength in the midst of those courtesan vultures. 

Swallowing back your nerves, you strolled into the grand hall. First kneeling to Odin, then to the rest of the royal family. Loki in particular, flashed you a gracious smile, his eyes flitting around the room as he did. He was the one to watch because he was always doing the watching. As you rose from the floor, you kept the dark haired trickster accounted for.

"Heimdall has relieved you of your duties, this night?"  Odin's voice boomed throughout the hall.

You tried not to squirm at all the attention; you were beginning to miss the solitude Heimdall offered and why he preferred it.

"Yes, Allfather. I am to return by first light." Odin nodded, and you were free to roam the party.

Your presence at court was a rarity, and you were subsequently dragged around like a shiny, new toy. Lady Sif and the Warriors Three pulled you into their group, bombarding you with questions about your new position at Heimdall's side. Could you see all nine realms? Was Heimdall always so stern? Had you held the key to the Bifrost?

After some time, you excused yourself, narrowly avoiding curious courtesans and leering drunkards. You found peace in a small alcove just off the main corridor. You leaned on the wall, taking in the sights from the large, open columns. The stars above sparkled in a wide arc over the kingdom, bathing your brown skin in their soft glow. 

"The great Heimdall has let his dear protégé out to play, and she runs from us."

Your hand immediately flew to your sword, only backing down at the sight of the other prince of Asgard. Loki was always a wily thing––his presence had a sneaking habit of interrupting the peace, not easing it. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up.

"My prince, forgive me." You said, rising to your full height. Loki just laughed at your startled expression.

"It has been so long, Y/N." He continued, stepping forward with a sort of careful precision.

Keeping Loki in the corner of your eye, you stared out at glorious Asgard, the place you would one day come to defend.

"It was too loud for me. I am not used to so many sounds." You admitted.

You had no clue as to why you were telling Loki anything, let alone something personal. He was the cunning, observant prince who always seemed to be waiting in the wings. Nothing like his brother in the least bit. At least with Thor, you knew what you were getting.

"I find it rather unfair that Heimdall keeps you locked away."

You tore your gaze from the great kingdom and towards Loki. His eyes told so many stories. They were a gorgeous blue, made even more alluring with how sad they were. Longing danced across his features in that closed off way he did things.

"I must be ready to one day take his place and watch over the Bifrost. There will never be enough time to learn." You said.

A gentle hand tilted your chin upwards. You froze at the contact. One of the benefits of having Heimdall as a guide was his distinct understanding of space. Loki had no such understanding.

Effectively silenced by the unfamiliar feeling, you allowed Loki's hand to drop from your chin to your hand. The brief break in touch forced you back into reality. You jolted back, your dress swaying with you. You craned your neck up at him in anticipation.

"I swore an oath to your father and I will not break it. I am duty bound to that bridge, not to the attraction of a prince of Asgard. No matter how endearing." You told him, finally.

Loki's composure never broke. His lips drew together in a tight line, but it was his eyes that gave him away. The prince's face may have been cool and unsuspecting to a servant or courtesan passing by, but you were taught to see past the veil, even if you did not speak on it. You had to see through it.

You paused. Heimdall would have given Loki an unyielding, straight forward reply. He would have left immediately, and spent the remainder of the night in his chambers.

You were not him.

A rush of something you did not understand stirred within you. It wasn't love or fear or sadness–– it was you, wholly you.

"Tomorrow I will be a guardian of the Bifrost again." You started, pressing a hand on the sly prince's chest, "Do you know what I am, right now?"

Loki was no fool. He felt the heat from your warm body and the weight of your hand on his own.

"Utterly magnificent."

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