Steve Rogers- Owed

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(Word Count: 1377)

"Right this way, Miss."

You followed the security guard through the gala's main entrance hall.

Adorned with sparkling jewelry all through your hair, and matching diamond and ruby necklace and ring set, you were a vision in red. Your form fitting, crimson gown had a wide side slit, offset by your black velvet gloves.

Eyes were drawn to you as you all but glided across the room. The chandelier bathed your brown skin in a warm glow. On your first sweep you spied three generals, quite a few senators, and a room full of dutiful donors and their plus ones. Not one journalist.

"We need exactly forty-six minutes and eighteen seconds," Mo, a crew member of yours, told you over comms. If they needed it, you'd get it.

"Alright, just get it done." You replied under your breath.

"Yes, ma'am," Mo responded and the line cut out. You grabbed a glass of champagne from a nearby waiter and took a sip.

"Care for a dance, doll?"

You were getting sloppy on the job. You had to be, because to miss such an obstacle as Captain America and whatever other agents he brought with him, would have never happened five years ago. You shook off your surprise and smiled, your lips parting to show white teeth.

"I don't know, a dance with a handsome stranger seems too cliché," You teased. He lit up at his supposed anonymity.

"Steve. Do I get upgraded from stranger enough for a dance?" He persisted, but made no moves toward you.

What a gentleman, you thought to yourself.

"I guess you do," You lifted your gloved arm to him, expectantly.

Steve gently squeezed your hand and led you to the dance floor. The two of you were a perfect fit as you swayed across the room. Other guests gawked, with either jealousy or curiosity, you didn't know. As the song ended the two of you stood, still close enough together for your breaths to intermingle.

During your dance you counted the two agents Steve brought with them out of the corner of your eye. One was a woman, blonde. Probably SHIELD. The other was a man with a gap toothed grin. He didn't move like a regular agent, but definitely trained.

You needed more time.

"Thanks for the dance, Steve. See you around," You said, sounding as flippant as you could.

As you pulled away, Steve whirled in front of you offering his arm. You linked yours with his and smirked up at him as he led through the crowd. He leaned down to your ear.

"Gorgeous, your face didn't come up once on the guest list," he whispered. You didn't react, allowing him to guide you further away from the crowd.

"Since I've been made, I gotta say you're a great dance partner, Captain." You countered.

The male agent was waiting for the two of you in a corner off to the side. Steve's grip tightened, pulling you closer to him. In a threat assessment, Steve wanted you more towards him than his second in command. A selfless leader willing to put his life in danger over his team's.

So he was as much of a dream in real life as he was in your history books growing up.

"Why is it always the fine ones?" Number Two complained as Steve sat you down. You were flanked on either side, quite literally backed into a corner.

"Nine minutes and twenty three seconds, remaining," Mo called out in your earpiece. You didn't reply. Instead, you caught a glimpse of the female making the rounds, most likely checking for any others.

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