Steve Rogers- Safety Net

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(Word Count: 1.7k)

(Slightly Pre Infinity War Nomad Steve)

It was dark, but you knew movement on your property when you saw it.

Your grip on your gun tightened as you stared into the black abyss in front of you. The sound of footsteps crunching across your grass was off—different pairs of feet hitting the ground at different times. You counted more than three.

The gun wasn't ideal. It was too much of a spectacle for the occasion. You pulled a knife out of its sheath, and sliced it through the air. You stuffed the gun into the waistband of your shorts, and crouched down. Thankfully, the intruders were too far to hear the slight groan of the floorboards under your bare feet. But they were too close for your liking.

In a strange stroke of fate, one of them moved recklessly, sprinting towards your front porch. You sprung into action, launching at them from the shadows.

You sliced a nice sized gash on the right leg. The pain caused an audible male groan, causing him to falter long enough to take advantage and place a knife to the man's throat.

He stilled at the cold metal on his carotid.

"Y'all are either stupid, arrogant, or desperate to come here!" You called out. Your voice carried out into the darkness and the footsteps ceased. Your hostage didn't dare struggle against you for fear of death, but how much his crew cared was unknown.

"Y/N, stand down."

A red sphere of light formed, and none other than Steve Rogers stepped forward, bathed in its glow. You lowered the knife and your hostage bolted towards his companions.

Your focus never left Steve as you surveyed his group. The light came from the girl beside him, while none other than Bucky Barnes was on his other one.

"I have spare beds and medical supplies for your friends down in the bunker. Second door on the right." You stated.

One by one you let Steve's team pass you, with varying looks of venom and curiosity. When it came time to let the man himself inside, he spoke.

"Y/N, I know this—"

You cut him off with a hand in his chest.

"Not tonight, Rogers."

You turned on your heel and left the large man standing in the doorway.


Strangely enough, you slept soundly for the rest of the night.

You woke up just before dawn and began cooking for your guests. If they were worth anything battle wise, Steve's team would be up soon. You started on breakfast. Grits, sausage, the works. You imagined it had been some time since they had a proper meal. You felt eyes on your back, and chose to ignore them.

"We had nowhere else to go."

As soon as the words left his mouth, you stiffened and stirred the grits harder. Although your back was to him, you heard the floor groan under his weight. He couldn't have been much more than a few feet away.

"You gonna look at me?" Steve asked you. His tone was low and deep.

You clicked your tongue and turned the burner down. You still had on your short shorts, tank top, and no bra from the night before. Your headscarf was wrapped around your head, a weapon just in reaching distance. You came around slowly, schooling your features into a blank expression.

"Thank you, for letting us stay." He said.

When you finally took him in, Steve was as captivating as he was when you saw him the first time. His hair was a shaggy mess on top of his head, though. And he'd grown a beard. His eyes however, were full of the same dutiful gaze you remembered.

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