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I really needed to do an imagine on this song so here it is.


I'm the hidden eighth member of the Sparrow academy.

I have the power to time travel and spatial jump.

I woke up to the sound of unfamiliar voices from downstairs.

I spatial jump out of my room to the balcony. My siblings are already there looking down at six people who look confused.

My brother Ben is already downstairs staring at the group.

I spatial jump next to Ben. I forgot I was still in my nightwear so I looked pretty stupid.

There was a young boy in the group who looked my age.. physically. He looked taken aback by my spatial jump.

"Who are you?" I ask them. "We are the umbrella academy." An extremely buff man answers. He has a strong resemblance to a gorilla.

"Why are you in our house?" I demand out of them. "We live here." The buff man cockily replies.

"Now now everyone." Our father walks forward. "Let's not be aggressive number eight." My father tries to calm me down.

"Yes father." I relax a bit.

"I had a feeling I'd see you again." Reggie looks at the group.

The boy can't seem to take his eyes from me. "Yeah, you remember us?" A shaggy man questions with a knife in hand, prepared to throw it.

"Of course. 1963." Reginald nods.

"Wait, dad you know these people?" I look at my father.

"Yes, I had an encounter with them a long time ago." My father states.

My other siblings walk down the stairs cautiously.

My father rambles on to the group about a bunch of stuff.

I walk back up the stairs and get into my uniform to at least look formal.

I walk back downstairs and everyone seems to have gotten comfortable. I roll my eyes. We don't even know these idiots.

I sit on the couch next to a man with long hair and what seems to be some kind of cowboy hat.

He looks at me. "Well hello there. My name is Klaus." He smiles softly.

This guy seems nice. "I'm number eight, you can just call me eight." I smile with the same energy.

"Well nice to meet you eight." He puts out a hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you too Klaus." I shake his hand.

"What's your power then?" He asks me.

"I can time travel and spatial jump."

"Huh, you have the same power as my brother." He chuckles. "Oh wow, what's your's?"

"I can communicate with and conjure the dead." He casually replies. "That's cool."

"You said your brother has the same power as me?" I look at him.

"Yeah." He nods. "Which one of them?" I question.

"The small one, Five." He states. "He's a number too." I say quietly.

"He's a stubborn bastard but you can go talk to him. He over there at the bar drinking that margarita." He points the the boy who was staring at me.

"Should he be drinking?" I point  at him too and furrow my eyebrows. "He's mentally 58 or something so I guess that's an excuse." He responds.

"Holy shit." I mutter. I was stuck in an apocolypse for 43 years so I'm 56 mentally and I got stuck in my 13 year old body.

I get up and walk over to the bar. I pour out some of the margarita from the blender into a glass.

I sit next to him. "You have same power as me." I say.

"How'd you know?" He asks. "Your brother who is sat on the couch."

I look at him. "Apocolypse?" I question.

"Yep, same thing happen to you?" He furrows his eyebrows as he looks at me.

"Mhm you must have been there for 45 years, I was there for 43."

"How'd you get out?" Five asks. "I managed to get my powers to pack up the act after 43 years."

"I worked with a place called the commission for a few years then broke a contract." He takes a sip from his margarita.

I nod slowly and take a sip from my margarita too. "I worked there too."

"All those years we were alone, we could have found each other at some point. If it was a crossover." I swirl the umbrella around in my drink.

He nods, agreeing with my theory.

Tears well up in my eyes.

"All I had was a teddy that was almost burnt to a crisp. It kept me sane." A tear drops from my eye.

Five looks at me with sympathy. "I had a mannequin." We both chuckle a little.

"I guess that's what happens when you have no one else." I say another tear dropping.

The boy looks at me with a small smile. "I thought I recognised you."

"Hm?" I frown.

"You don't remember." He chuckles airly, with a slight look of hurt.

I look into his beautiful, strangely familiar, green eyes for a few seconds.

He looks back at me with a soft face. "Five, Five Hargreeves. My old partner from the commission." Tears pool up in my eyes, they fall down my face as I hug Five tightly.

"I missed you." He mutters, wrapping his arms around me. "I missed you too."

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