Important OMERTÀ Finale Announcement!

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Hey guys!!!!!

Just to dive right in, this clearly isn't going to be an update, but just know that an update is coming very shortly, like in the next week or even sooner, and this was extremely important to me to post first, or else I wouldn't have posted it!

I just wanted to tell you where I'm at with this series and what I'm about to post next so that you aren't confused with the ending to this book! I wrote Omertà when I was still in my teens, and there's a TREMENDOUS amount of things in this book that I already plan on doing differently when I publish it. Which had made it extremely difficult to write for this version and wrap up.

A big thing that I've already cut from the rewrite is the whole "Ben is Vincent" thing. It just doesn't work, and I'd almost rather Vincent just be his own character and not involved in Fico's mafia and Ben be his own character. I definitely did that as a big exciting Wattpad plot twist, and it just doesn't serve the plot or my vision of the series. Having Ben "killed" at the end of the series is just not something that I envision for Ferro's little brother, and I also don't imagine Ben's personality as Ferro's little brother to be completely honest. I wouldn't want him to be crazy, I would want him to be vindictive and dark in the same vein as Fico and Ferro.

The Ben and Vincent thing complicated the ending for this book tenfold, as I honestly just wanted it to end with Gasparro's death and a clear resolution for Scarlett and Ferro's relationship.

Ferro and Scarlett really are the soul of this book and I want that to be the focus in the rewrite. I already am in love with the new vision of their relationship and exploring the darker aspects of Ferro's sex addiction/need for control, dealing with trauma, coexisting with Scarlett's newfound freedom from the constraints of her family and the suffocating aspects of her "old life." I still love the idea of Scarlett's loving nature and quirky innocence of the world too, so not much has changed with the character's personalities. (But man is the tension even more unbelievable in the rewrite LMFAO.)

Both Omertà and Borgata would much better as separate stories. Ferro and Scarlett deserve their own book without any Sam and Fico POV's and the whole Sam coming back to Fico thing in this book I believe works best as part of Borgata or an extension of Borgata.

My plan when I eventually completely rewrite Omertà is for each book to be their own story and for the books to be collectively part of a mafia series called the Vendetta series.

That all being said, I'm EXTREMELY excited to say that the next chapter for Omertà will be Scarlett and Ferro's conclusion to their relationship and where I generally imagine it ending. I'm going to be skipping over the whole Vincent thing because it's way too confusing and I just don't like the direction I went with that character at all. Trust me, this story would be much, much better without all that drama and instead more drama about LINGUINI and TIGROTTA as I've already planned!

So, before I post the next chapter, here's where I want you to envision. Gasparro is KILLED. He is dead AF, and Fico won that battle. He WON! He finally avenged his father, and he doesn't have to worry about that sicko anymore. And as far as Vincent goes, for now just imagine that the character wasn't introduced. I imagine Scarlett is helping Ferro finally heal over the loss of his brother. This needs to be concluded for this story to properly end in my mind and it should have happened in this plot!

NOW...please stay tuned for the finale of Omertà... ;)

P.S- I will also be consistently posting for Borgata, the  prequel to Omertà for Fico and Samantha. I highly recommend reading that now!! :)))



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