Chapter 47: Midst of the Chaos

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So August 24th through the 31st is the voting period for the Watty Awards! The voting is on TWITTER and you must #MyWattysChoice and post a link to my story between that voting period!! YOU can help Omertà WIN! All you have to do is go on Twitter and share Omertà's story link during that voting period!! (As many times as you want!!) 

This song, tho. ;) ;)


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 "Oh you little... You're kicking me out of this?"

That was my reaction after Ferro explained to me that I wasn't allowed to see Ben and figure out what had happened to him.

I pushed back at Ferro's muscular chest and stepped out of the vehicle. A little clumsily because of the evident soreness between my legs, might I add. "I don't think so, cannoli-oli. I want in. You're not keeping me in the dark on this."

He eyed the flashing lights on my sweater. "Eh... no. That's not happening, Christmas Tree. You're a big, flashing rainbow target right now."

"Don't you even watch movies?" I asked, awkwardly reaching behind my collar to turn the sweater off. "The American ones? You leave me in this limo and I'm as good as dead." I dropped my voice to a whisper. "For all we know, the driver is out to get us for our loud sex! You leave me, and I'm done for! He'll kill me for sure for yelping the entire ride as you penetrated me with your dragon–!"

"Shh." He pinched my lips together, silencing me. "You are getting worked up." Ferro removed his fingers from my mouth and held my face in his hands. "Listen to me, tigrotta mia," he began, Scary Ferro sliding into place. "I'm keeping you safe-"

I cut him off, "Just give me a gun and the SparkNotes version of how to use it and we'll be all be good to g-"

"You're not getting a gun. You are staying in that limo until it takes you to the evacuation site, whether you like it or not. "

"Where you go, I go," I insisted. "I'm coming with you. I want to be there for you when you see Ben. I'm not going to sit around with a bunch of random tree trimmers and pool girls and worry about you getting shot. You know, it's always the pool cleaners who end up doing the murdering in all the scary movies. You could be sending me into a trap. Red heads are rare, you know. I'm an endangered species. You're destroying our environment, god damnit!"

"Sweetheart, you are going to drive me insane. That's your life mission, yes?"

"Think about it," I continued. "If Ben was shot on the estate, isn't the entire estate technically dangerous for me? You don't know who the shooter is, correct?"

Ferro just stared at me.

"I'm assuming that's a yes. Therefore, the shooter could be anywhere. They could be behind that bush over there, staring at your plump ass with a sniper in their hands. Aren't we in danger right now? I'll be less in danger if we stick together."

"I'm sorry, I can't take that chance." Ferro gripped me by the arm. "Get in the limo."

"I can help! I can do... stuff! I'm one tough cookie! Look at these biceps!" I flexed my skinny arms in his hand as hard as I could. "Feel it! Squeeze, Italian boy! Squeeze!"

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