Chapter 42: Tongue On Tongue

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Ferro and I eventually calmed down from our passionate tongue on tongue session in the limo and exited the vehicle. I stepped out into the cold first, flowers in hand, and then Ferro came out after me with a big smirk on his face. When we made eye contact, we both laughed, and then I awkwardly turned my head and pressed my fingers against my swollen lips.

With my back to Ferro, I tilted my head up at the familiar cozy Italian restaurant in front of us, and my mouth hung open a little in shock.

"Here we are, candy," Ferro said, stepping up next to me on the curb and draping suit jacket over my shoulders. "The best Italian food you'll ever have."

Déjà vu to the max.

I looked up at Ferro, fighting back laughter. "This is that restaurant that you took me to a while back... Except, I was at gunpoint."

"Not exactly the entire time, tigrotta," Ferro defended, his tone teasing and a smirk pulling at his lips. "I kept the gun on me and insinuated that I would use force, yes?"

"And you threatened to have sex with me in front of everyone in the restaurant if I disobeyed," I added.

"I tend to forget my manners around you."

"Now that is very true. Also, if I recall correctly," I continued, "this restaurant is also where you called my ex boyfriend in the hallway. You know, by the bathrooms and that nice painting..." Ferro was watching me intently, and when I became aware of it, the rest of the sentence trailed off into nervous laughter at the ground. Stop that! You're supposed to be letting him woo you! Act uninterested!

"Tigrotta, consider this date a replay of that 'date'." Ferro put his fingers under my chin and tilted my gaze up and away from the ground. "Except this time, I'm not going to let you run away from me." He lowered his voice to Rough and Dirty mode. "And this time, if there's going to be any playtime, nobody will be on the phone with us, and I won't be touching you over your pants." His dark eyes flickered with delight. "I'd be a little crueler."

The coldness deserted me as my face heated up like an Icy Hot pack. "And there he is again, Ferro La Morte. He's poked through from time to time today, but I was getting a little worried this shave would get rid of him entirely."

"Har-har." Ferro gathered my hands and brought them to his warm, soft mouth for a kiss. "Why are we still standing out here? You're freezing. Come, let's go eat." Ferro put an arm around me and ushered me forward.

The inside of the restaurant brought a wave of nostalgia of warmth and the aroma of different foods. There was a small, decorated Christmas tree as we walked in, and golden ornaments hung from the ceiling.

"Ciao, Mr. La Morte!" The same nervous man in a tuxedo quickly made his way to us. We walked further into the restaurant. He spoke quickly, as if he was afraid he wouldn't get all of his words out. "It's so nice to see you again! We received your check for all the—er—chaos from your...previous rendezvous with this young lady. And I sent Fico the protection money last Tuesday, yes—?"

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