28) Comare

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Thank all you SO much for reading! I've never had a story get this popular, this quick! Very overwhelming and so exciting!!!!! I have so many ideas for this series!! ;)

***IMPORTANT***If you could do me a HUGE favor and vote for Death Is My BFF for The If List, I would REALLY appreciate it! Once I reach 8,000 supporters, I'll be #1 on the list!! If just a small fraction of you supported, I would get there so quick! And that would be SO rad!!!!! <3

Anyway, sorry about the late-ish updating, I've had a lot of tests this week (EW), and I didn't expect you crazy awesome Keety's to reach ELEVEN thousand votes that quickly!! Sheesh! Please keep voting if you enjoy the chapters! Makes me happy to see so much love for my story and it really grabs publisher's attention! :D

Keep supporting and reading, and I'll keep uploading!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3     

P.S-  The song attached to this chapter is SO relevant. ;))))))))))))))))))))))

* * *

                 “Scarlett, I’m going to let you think about what you just said,” Ferro answered. I noticed his fingers tightened slightly around mine. “This is because of everything I told you, isn’t it? You’re coping right now, and you want to be close to someone. I get that...”

                        “Stop talking and pull over the car, Ferro. I want to have sex with you.”

                        His knuckles were white and bloodless against the steering wheel. “We are on the highway, Scarlett.”


                        “We can talk about this when we get to the safe house, tigrotta.” He pulled his hand out of mine, and then gripped the steering wheel with both hands. “Where there are beds.”


                        “All you talk about is sex. Now I want sex, and you refuse me?”

                        “I’m not refusing you. You deserve a better place to lose your virginity.” He looked over at me, concerned as I unbuckled my seatbelt. “Put your fücking seatbelt back on. Now.”


                        “Tigrotta, put your god damn seatbelt on.”


            “Is there something wrong with me that you haven’t tried to actually stick your dîck inside of me yet, like all of the other girls I’m sure you’ve encountered? Because from what I’ve gathered, you’re all talk when it comes to sex. It’s like you’re scared that there’s an endless black hole between my legs.”

                        “That’s not what it is, Scarlett.” His jaw tightened. “It’s just different with you.”

Omerta- Book I (Winner of the 2015 People's Choice Award)Where stories live. Discover now