27) Keety

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Hello! I hope you love the chapter!

Ciao! Spero che ti piace il capitolo!

Note: Less than two weeks ago, I had a very sudden death in my family. That's why updates have been slow. xx


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*This chapter had to be reuploaded, do to a glitch on Wattpad that ruined the dialogue and put all these bizzare letters!* :(

"What do you mean my mother was a distraction?" I asked, as we stepped into the elevator. I knew her Botox was a distraction, but was there something more to her? Was she a spy or something, like in the movies? Was she 007's James Bond, except with a lot more fur jackets and a lot less likability?

"I know you are very confused right now, tigrotta. "It'll all make sense once I explain in the car ride to the safe house." Safe house. The elevator doors slid open once we reached the bottom floor. "Stay close."

Ferro had three huge luggage bags wrapped around his wide shoulders and I only had one. "Where exactly is this safe house?" I demanded, once we were outside on the sidewalk. What if he was taking me somewhere to kill me? What if the people coming after us, were the good guys? "Who were we trying to get safe from? Hello?" stopped in my tracks. "Earth to linguini! I'm not going anywhere without some answers!"

"From where I stand, you have three options here." Ferro pivoted around and towered over me, his facial features like stone. People walked towards us, probably picking up on bits and pieces of this intense conversation. "One: come with me, someone you're at least familiar with, even if you don't trust me, and have a better chance of surviving. Two: stay here, and get held captive by someone that you are unfamiliar with, who will not be safe with and will take advantage of you. Three, run as fast as you can in any direction, avoiding both of my given options, and have me track you down and f*ck you in your ass with my gun, because I will be angry if you choose option three." He turned his back to me and continued on his way. "Make your choice, tigrotta. You don't have much time."

I blinked slowly. "Did I hear that last option right?"

Ferro started to cross the street. "."

I reluctantly, and I say reluctantly, followed Ferro La Ass Gun out of the towards a parking garage. He quickly took out his keys and unlocked a gorgeous red (ironically) Ferrari, which looked so expensive that it radiated money.

"Ferrari La Morte," I said.

"Funny. Everyone cracks that joke, so don't feel special."

"Ferrarri Lamborghini Toyota Sedan La Morte."

 He snickered. "Ok, that one was good, fiorella." Ferro popped the trunk and threw in our luggage bags. Once we were both situated in the car, Ferro hurriedly inserted the keys into the ignition, and the vehicle roared to life like a beast. We entered into the usual amount of traffic in the morning in NYC, heading north.

"Who the hell threatens to fück someone in the ass with their gun?" I wondered, looking out the window. The car had seat warmers and my butt was thoroughly enjoying this car ride. "But really, are you on crack for saying that, Ferro? I'm just wondering."

"Nah, boring drug.â He said that as if crack was a stick of tasteless gum, compared to the drugs he did take. âAnd if the safety is on while the gun is up your ass, I donât see the harm, tigrotta. Don't knock it till you've tried it..."

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