Chapter 48: Pun Intended

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 Momma left a VERY important note at the end of this chapter! <3

"Oh great," I muttered behind Ferro.

"You were not supposed to find out like this," Ben began. The alarms were still going off and there was still shooting that were muffled over the sirens. Grunts and pounds to the floor were heard in the distance, and I wasn't sure whether the pounding on the floor was footsteps or bodies falling to the ground. "I pictured this moment completely different." His eyes shifted to Ferro, who hadn't said a word, and to Robert who was absolutely still; like a bomb about to explode. "And I especially didn't expect to be compromised–"

"I'll fücking kill you!" Robert roared out, and barreled towards Ben, but Ferro held him back. Robert's face turned bright red and his furious eyes looked like they were nearly popping out of his skull. "You backstabbing son of a bîtch!" he shouted. "After everything we've all been through!" The look of horror on Robert's face made my heart hurt. The look of being deceived.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way," was all Ben said, his emotions flat. "I need you both to drop your guns and kick them to me. Nobody has to die."

"I still don't understand what's happening," Robert said, his eyes wide with confusion. I could tell how baffled he was about the entire situation, and could only imagine how betrayed he felt. "What happened to you? Are you working two sides?"

Ferro still hadn't said a single word. When I looked down at his right hand, I realized what he'd been doing. While Robert was talking and Ben's attention wasn't on Ferro, Ferro had slowly reached into his pocket and took out his phone. As I stared at the phone in horror, he did the unthinkable and handed it off to me from behind. I snatched it before Ben looked our way.

Ferro wanted me to contact someone. I quickly scrolled through the contacts and found Fico's number. I clicked it and sent a quick text. I looked up quickly to see if Ben and Robert were still having their brawl, and as predicted, they were still fighting. Ben is the shooter. Stuck in clinic. SOS. I eagerly sent the text to Fico and then I stuffed the phone into Ferro's back pocket, giving his ass a soft slap.


"I want answers," Robert continued, once I tuned back into the conversation. "We trusted you. I trusted you. And you killed our own fücking men? How could you do this to us?"

"You don't understand because you're not supposed to," Ben said, his jaw tightening. The blade wavering near Maria's throat."Gasparro somehow found my Ma down south and used her life against me. I was threatened into helping him find shît on Fico's business. Bullseye caught me coming out of Fico's room without the boss inside and started asking too many questions. I couldn't blow my cover. I panicked."

"Gasparro?" Robert asked. "You've been working two sides?" Robert rubbed a hand down his face, taking in everything.

"For years, and I didn't have any choice in the matter," Ben answered, eying Ferro. I handed him back the phone before Ben could see what we had done. "Gasparro somehow found my Ma and threatened my her life. She's all the family I have left."

"Let me get this straight," Ferro finally said, his voice cold and his eyes steel. "You worked for Gasparro for years feeding him information, and although you lasted years without any screw ups, for some reason, you panicked this time, and professionally executed four hits? I don't believe you. You weren't threatened. You were hired. And now you want out because you've been compromised."

Ferro said every word with hostility and grinded is teeth together. Not going to lie, it was pretty hot...

Ben just stared at Ferro for a moment, and then burst into loud laughter. "Alright, ya got me. I totally just bullshîtted that. It was worth a shot... Pun intended."

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