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Multibug watched the sunrise over the city she used to protect. "Lady Shadow, any movement?"

She shook her head, "Phantom?"

"Yeah, it seems like she left with sideburns. He is unconscious on the floor. I don't think we can film her attacking him, he needs to go now."

She nodded grimly.


They hopped through the portal and spread throughout the apartment. Phantom called out, "I found all his stuff! She never unpacked it! I need Mare!"

Mare saluted Jade and 'trotted' over to Fox happily. "Voyage!"


Dick and Wally shrieked in surprise when a teal portal opened in front of them and boxes started to pile out of it.


MultiMouse and MultiBug knelt by the boy, faces drawn and pale.

"How long has this been going on? How could I not notice this. I figured out about my surprise birthday party by my awkward friend's excuses and I didn't see through his!" They spoke in unison causing a shiver to run down Shadow's spine.

"Don't unison. Not Fault."

Bug winced sheepishly. "Sorry, sometimes the mouse does that when stressed. Let's get him to Gotham."


Across the apartment, Fox let out a squeak as Jade and Mare spoke in unison. He jumped and tumbled back through the portal with the last box.


The portal snapped shut as he spoke and he heard incoherent babbling. Turning he laid eyes on a freaked out and babbling Wally and an annoyed Dick.

"Soo, hi guys! I totally have an explanation that makes sense?"

Dick crossed his arms and raised a brow at him in question.


Mare opened another portal as Jade slid the turtle off her wrist and onto the unconscious man's. She smiled as she became another Multimouse before concentrating and combining with the other. Leaving only the three and Shadow with him. Shadow and Mouse picked up the man carefully and slowly stepped through with Bug and Mare trailing behind, ignoring the fact that the apartment was now trashed by the heroes in their anger.

As they stepped into the apartment she looked around and sighed. Jason had alerted Dick to the situation and they had already gotten the guest room ready.

Blinking back tears she watched as they gently laid him on the bed before Jason set to work stitching him up and bandaging his wounds. Dick laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Mare, you need to rest. Using this many miraculous will wipe you out."

She shook her head. "I need to be with him."

He sighed and turned her around. "I've had this same fucking conversation with you twice already. Go rest. The sooner you do, the sooner you can be with him. And I'm done, it's three fucking a.m. GO TO SLEEP!"

She sighed and crossed her arms with a huff. "I'm needed here."

"Go to sleep or else the only food I'll eat for a week will be cereal."

Her eyes widened and she bolted down the hallway.


He woke with a muffled groan. His body throbbed and burned in a horribly familiar way. He kept his eyes closed as he mentally checked his body for serious injury.

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