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*this goes back in time a bit to the beginning of rent day*

Bruce groaned as he sat up and felt the dried blood pull at the skin on his face. He placed his head in his hands as the world started to tilt and started to take deep breaths. The world stabilized and he swung his feet off the cot he was lying on.

He stood up and stretched before looking around. 'Why am I in the cell?' He stormed to the glass and steel mesh wall and pounded against it.

"Very funny guys! Let me out now!"

To his shock there was no laughter or teasing that followed his yell. In fact, no one was there. He growled and started to pace.

Maybe 5 minutes later he heard the sharp precise steps of Alfred. He turned and ran to the wall.

"Alfred! Let me out please!"

To his surprise Alfred shook his head and frowned. He stepped back from the wall as if slapped and the word, "Why?" tumbled from his lips unbidden.

Alfred stepped closer to the glass and peered into his eyes. "We may have missed a spell or psychic attack that happened months ago, we are running tests now. We also have contacted several magic users and the other 6 founding members of your League. All confirmed your odd behavior."

He growled and punched the glass hard enough to break three of the fingers on his right hand.

"You attacked Mistress Marinette unprovoked and could have seriously hurt her. Not only that but you attacked someone who is close friends with the very thing that created the universe. I could not protect Dusuu,"

Alfred raised his chin determined and bore into his gaze with steely eyes, "But I will do everything I can to protect her family."

Alfred spun on his heel and marched away, leaving him alone, nothing to do but think.

Barbara sat in her Clocktower and growled. Typing frantically she attempted to reach Bruce once again.

"Come in Batman, Oracle to Batman. Come in Batman!"

Nothing but static answered her. She groaned and slammed her head against the desk in front of her keyboard with a 'clunk'.

"Seriously? I thought we agreed he would alert me before he went dark again! Dammit Bruce!"

She groaned before sitting back up and sighing.

"He could just be sleeping? Yeah let's go with that for now. That's what I'm going to go do too!"

She jerkily wheeled away.


Bruce pounded on the glass when he heard someone pass.

"Tim! Tim, let me out! I know it's you! Please, I didn't do anything! Please let me out of here!"

To his shock, Tim just sadly shook his head. "No way Bruce! I saw you just attack Marinette! That isn't okay on any level! And we found the video after Dick's funeral, how could you?!"

Tim gave him no time to respond as he turned and stormed away.


It was Duke next. He had to admit he was taken back by his presence for a second. But when he pleaded to be let out, his son looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"You said horrible things to Damian, pretending that they were the words of a brother. That hurt all of us Bruce. Me, Damian, Dick, and Cass. Marinette too. You shattered a lot of our trust. Don't think any of us will be letting you out anytime soon. Maybe even after we fix what's wrong with you."

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