Chapter 9

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Ryujin's POV

Why does my head hurt? I feel like...I'm in different mattress.

"Y-Yeji-yah...did you sleep beside me?" I asked when I felt a skin touching my...bare skin.


Why am I naked? Did something happen between me and Yeji last night?

I smiled and shut my eyes before tilting my body on her side and hugging her tight. Was I too drunk that she needed to accompany me home? Did she bring me home?

"I love you so much..." I murmured as I buried my face on her neck. I can smell the scent of her perfume that I love so much.

"Ryujinnie..." she murmured.


I quickly opened my eyes and parted myself from her...not Yeji...she's not Yeji...

"H-Heejin? Why are we here?!" I nervously asked. My heart is beating too fast and I don't know what to think at this point.

The moment I heard that's not Yeji. It's my friend.

I quickly got up and picked up my clothes that's laying on the floor when I finally realized that it's Heejin. Heejin wrapped her body with a blanket, sat on the bed and looked at me.

Why is she acting that way? Why isn't she startled?! She should be.

"I don't know? Maybe you're so drunk that we ended—"

"We ended here on bed naked?! Heejin, I love Yeji!" I exclaimed. My peripheral vision caught my phone on the side table that's why I quickly took it.

Why...why did I smell Yeji's perfume? Why? It's not her...what happened?

"We're friends anyway. Does this make you a sinner? You'll get addicted to me once you remember everything tho, besides I'm not gonna tell Yeji. You got a thing on me when we were on mixnine, remember?" Heejin stated in the most sassy way she could ever express.

"A thing on mixnine? You know that I don't!" I said while trying to open my phone using my trembling hands.

"Come on Ryujin, don't take this as a big deal."

"For fuck's sake how can you be so calm?! I'm in love with Yeji and this is a sin, Heejin! What if Yeji finds out?! What would happen to us huh?! I don't wanna think that you planned this but somehow I can't avoid to think of it! There's no way I'd smell Yeji here in your room! You got different scent!" I furiously yelled.

"Was it my fault we're both drunk? And so what if Yeji and I have the same scent? Is it a sin changing your perfume now and trying something else?" Heejin stated that's why my jaw clenches.

"Heejin...if you ever set me up on this, you're fucking insane. I thought we were good friends—why didn't you tryna' understand and consider my feelings for Yeji? Honestly, my mind is going crazy thinking of all the consequences right now...and I know you're not because you don't know what love is in the first place." I turned my back at her and walks toward the door.

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