Chapter 18

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Ryujin's POV

Dallie, who's peacefully laying on the couch suddenly jumped when I slammed the door. I quickly pulled out my shoes as I took off my hoodie, leaving me in plain black sleeveless shirt.

I threw it on the floor before taking my way to the kitchen.

"Who do you want to clean your mess? Me?" Yeji's annoying vibe and Lia.

What's up with them? Lia has been more
annoying, doing some stuffs for Yeji when
it's not even necessary.

"Did l even tell you?" I sarcastically asked
while searching for something to drink.

There's plenty of egg roll in the fridge, mom probably left it for me before going back to work.

"You're grown enough. How could you act like this."

She's in the living room but I could still hear her blabber. She really knows how to talk back. Tsk Hwang Yeji doesn't do that.

After drinking a glass of juice, I head back to the living room and saw Yeji folding my hoodie. Hoodies not even meant to be fold. Oh god does she even know what she's doing? She can just hang it in the closet.

Yeji stopped when I suddenly grasped her
chin. I put my right knee just above her thighs to give more pressure. Does she even know how she's pissing me off? How
they're pissing me off?

"You really know how to defend you and your Lia's situation, don't you?" I tightened my grip on her chin. Yeji's hands tried to remove mine but she didn't able to do so.

"Right in front of me Yeji! RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! What is she? What is your relationship with Lia?!" I gave her a slap before standing up. I run my fingers into my hair as I take a deep breath.

"What's the real deal with you Ryujin? Did
I even complain about you and Heejin?" Yeji stated. My jaw clenches as I turned to
look at her.

"l'm closest with Heejin, do you want me to leave her behind?! Then tell me if you're jealous! Tell me! Just stop that Lia from making me jealous!" l exclaimed.

"l'm not jealous." Yeji stood up and headed to the main door, so is she going to leave now huh? Fucking bitch.

She's going to leave me like this? Leave me unassured and bothered?

"Where are you going?" I asked as I walks
toward her.

"This conversation is not working out." Yeji answered but I grasped her arms, tightly gripping it.

She's gonna go to Lia where any conversation would work out, Ryu.

"How should we make it work then?" my
jaw clenches even more while looking at her, that damn clip Lia had put on in the dance practice room earlier is still there.

"L-Let go of me Ryujin, it hurts..." Yeji said, resisting. I gripped her arms more, making her feel that she should fear me.

I think—she thought that she can lead our relationship. No. I'm the boss between us.

There's no way I'd let you cheat on me Yeji. You're mine. You're just mine.

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