Chapter 17

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Yeji's POV

I'm spacing out all throughout the time, even after finishing my turn in our practice. My head is aching and...and I'm soring down there. What did I do? I passed out quickly last night.

Different thoughts are scrambling inside my head.

"I love you so much Hwang Yei, my light fury..."

Did I dream about that? I badly wanna ask Ryujin but I'm kinda shy.

"Yuna, it's your turn." I heard Ryujin speaking, Yuna parted our linking arms.

"Nice vocal Ryujin." Heejin praises. I forgot that there's a parasite out here too. She's been clinging to Ryujin since we arrived here.

"Thank you Heekkie." Ryujin mumbled
and they started creating their own world
as a 'bestfriends'.

I swear I'm not jealous. I'm a professional, Ryujin's mine after all so there's no need to be jealous. Why? Does Heejin own Ryujin's heart?

No, because Ryujin's mine.

Go on, cling with her all the time. She's still mine. At the end of the day Ryujin's still mine.

I glances at them and saw them taking pictures together—I looked around and I
didn't find Lia and Chaeryeong. Where are they?

"Should we upload this?"

Jesus. Keep it up Shin Ryujin, same with
you Heejin. I'm gonna call Hyunjin for you
if you didn't stop that.

"It's been so long, you hasn't change yet. But you're looking good." Heejin took off
Ryujin's hoodie before caressing her face.

"You're becoming more pretty, I'm amazed." Ryujin's voice lowered but I still
heard that.

I closed my eyes and hid my clenching fist underneath my shirt. Why is she like that? She know how it feels to be jealous, she's aware but—

"Yeddeong-ssi, here's some soda to refresh your mind. You were spacing out earlier." Lia arrived with Ryeongie at her back, eating a chocolate snack.

The cold can of soda wraps my palm the moment I accepted it from Lia.

'You're now saved'  Lia mouthed at me.

I don't know what she meant by that made me smile. I am saved? Save from what?

Lia leaned closer to me, "Saved from jealousness." she whispered. My heart skipped a beat.

Thank you Jisu...

"I was expecting you to wear a crop top or
sleeveless shirt but you're wearing baggy old tops." Chaeryeong stated.

"I MISS UNNIE'S BARE SHOULDER TOOOOO!" here comes the loud maknae who just finished her turn.

My eyes averted at Ryujin and Heejin's
direction but I didn't see them. Where are they? Why did they vanish suddenly without even telling me or telling us?

This is the real jealousy, Ryujin. Not getting jealous over your co-member.

"Yeji's becoming conservative." Lia mumbled.

"Are you dating someone unnie? Why would you be so conservative? We love
seeing your bare skin." Yuna laid on the floor before putting her head on my lap, she's eating a chocolate bar that Ryeong probably gave her.

"If I were dating someone as hot as Yeji unnie l won't probably let her wear revealing clothes too." Chaeryeong said.

"If I were dating Yeji unnie I'd let her wear anything she wants because I can fight." Yuna stated which brought a little smile on my face.

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