Chapter 15

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Ryujin's POV

I dropped Dallie in the vet because she's losing her appetite, she'd be there for a couple of days because she will be under

I quickly turned to the left side of the road to avoid the checkpoint, geez I don't have driver's license. I only borrowed my brother's car since he won't be using it for a while because he'll be staying in their dormitory for a review. He's going to graduate from college and he needed to pass the exam.

[You look good while driving]

Yeji said, we' re video chatting. I can't stare at her for too long because l need to drive carefully.

"You're pretty..." I mumbled.

[Baby~ I'm gonna put some make up on so don't bother looking at your phone, okaay?]

"We're just going at our house you don't
need to put some." I said, still focused on
the road.

[Aish...just a light make up Ryujin]

"I'm getting near. Is your Mom there? I bought some sweets for her." I turned the
steering wheel before taking a glance at her.


[I'm all alone here. They' re working, is there any chocolate for me?]

Yeji asked so I smiled.

[Yah! Did you buy some chocolate for

"If you want some sweets just kiss my
lips." I smirks before finally pulling the brake. I rested my head on the headrest and closed my eyes, I suddenly feel sleepy.

[You're really—are you there already?]

I nodded when Yeji asked.

[Wait a minute]

"Take your time baby." I mumbled.

We'll be practicing our vocals tomorrow, Yeji will stay with me overnight so that we'll be going together in the building tomorrow. I hope we can spice up the bed later. I kinda miss her. But I'm contented with just her presence tho—it's just Yeji's so addicting. I want a daily dose of her. I can't get enough of her.

Our manager's message pop in my mind again. She called me earlier regarding the fan service that Lia and I should do.

"You and Lia doesn't seem to be in good term, got any problem? JYP won't like seeing some speculations about that. After your hiatus make sure to give your fans a fan service with Lia, okay?"

I'm sure that Lia's aware of that already.I
really wanted to stick with Yeji after our long hiatus but I guess I won't be having
the opportunity to do so. I know I confronted Lia but I was just fed up with them that time.

Idols live in this cycle called fan service.
Sometimes, some entertainment would
push to go through the limits if the ship is
famous above other ships.

It sucks because I can't stick with the one
I wanted. This time, manager unnie's requesting a Jinlia fan service so my time will be focusing on flirting with Lia most of the time.

I heard a knock on the windshield that's
why I opened my eyes, I saw Yeji smiling
brightly at me so l opened the door and unbuckle my seatbelt before changing seat. Yeji wanted to drive—

To drive me crazy.

"I miss you..." I kisses her lips when she's
finally seated.

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