Chapter 7

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The drive was awkward. Very awkward. Ada was sleeping as usual. That's understandable considering she was so excited she couldn't sleep. On the other hand for me I slept and now I was awake driving in an expensive car with leather seats. "Soo Dante's kid huh?" The driver looked at me through the mirror. "Grandson actually." I said nodding. "Ohh the old geezer a grandpa now? Wow. Time sure does fly." He said smiling to himself. "How old are you?" He asked. I could say 18 but since we are being truthful. "17." I answered. He nods his head. "Almost and adult. You ready?" He laughs. I shrug. "I'm Edward many call me Edd your grandpa calls me E ." He smiles looking up at me again.

"Nice to meet you E...I'm Wesley." I said turning toward the window. Looking out at the city and the people walking across the street. Wow look how they're dressed. All the colors. How long have I really gone? Bart put up the music and started singing tapping his hand onto the wheel. "Just like a bridge over troubled water..I will lay me down." He sings. I turn over to Ada again to see here staring carefully at the radio listening. "I will lay me down." He sing louder. I stare back at the radio. Mr. E smiles "Ah this is Aretha Franklin one of the best vocalist of our time!" Give it some time she's gonna be a legend I see it!" He said putting up his glasses.

I look back at Ada to see her smiling. I smile to myself. Seeing Ada happy just makes me happy. Ada sat back in her chair and whispered to herself. "Aretha Franklin." Ada thought for a moment. I turned my head back to the window to see the car turn into a residence but the car came to a halt As a golden gate was in front of it. Turning to Ada again I saw her panicking. As two men in black suits came near the car.Edward rolled down his window and was talking to one of the men in a different language.
"L'ho preso" (I got him) . "Where?." The man with a thick accent asked. Ada was bouncing her leg up and down.

That's when I seen a knife slipping from under where she was sitting. I sort of knew what she was planning if things didn't particularly go well. But I didn't feel any threat from these people. I held Adas thigh to calm her down. She looked at me and exhaled quietly she slipped the knife back under her. The man looked up at me to see me sitting. "Ahh" was all he said smiling. Then jerked his head to Mr. E to keep driving as the gates opened slowly. "See just security." I smiled at Ada. She nodded her head then looked back outside the window.

Driving in it was like a utopia almost. Green soft grass. Beautiful colorful garden and statues. It was a hot and sunny day it made it even more beautiful. Once we drove in from of the house there was one huge statue where the cars drove. Staring at the house my eyes almost popped out of its sockets. There was no way I was going to live here. The house was huge. Or huge could be an understatement. Seeing Adas face was more funny her mouth hung open. It looked as if she was about to cry. "Crybaby." I said. Ada looked over and smacked my arm playfully. "I'm just sensitive." She said wiping her tears.

"What are you waiting for! Hop out my boy!" Edward yelled. He laughed getting out of the car. For me I can't lie I was still in shock. I slowly opened the door of the car and set my foot on the pavement. I got my suitcase out of the car. "Oh no no no no I'll get that for you mr betto." He said taking my suitcase in my hand. Walking towards the door. Ada immediately cling on to my arm. Once I walked into the house I was greeted with a women in a green dress. "You must be little Wesley! I remember when you were the size of my arm!"
She smiled dearly at me as she place her hands on my cheeks. I was taller then her or most. Ada was still holding tight to me arm.

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