Cahpter 28

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She kept crying on my chest, it's been awhile since I seen her cry. I guess the thing that happen must of been very traumatic. "Oh gosh Wesley you should
Of seen it, the girl reached for the high and stabbed her Wesley! Stabbed her! I couldn't believe it!" Wait..
"Wait what." I slightly pushed her off. She and I both furrowed out eyebrows in confusion. "Your crying because of that?" I asked. "Y..yes why?" She stuttered. I couldn't tell if ada was joking or not. So I laughed. Her mouth hung open in shock. "Your not serious are you? Are you?" I asked. "Yes I'm serious asshole the killing it was so traumati-" "no the fuck it not!" I interrupted. "Those bitches got what they deserved ada especially that Jessica girl. They're lucky you didn't burn the house down. You should of." I chuckled and went into the bathroom.

Ada became very quiet. "But what about the other members of the family." She slowly trailed off. I turned around and faced her as she was sitting on the bed. "When the fuck did you care about people?!" She took a long pause. all of a sudden I heard loud laughing. "Hahah see i got you haha I don't care about those girls they got exactly what they deserved ha ha you fell for it ha." She said it was so obvious that's she was lying. Did she really care about those girls? Why though?


Never had to fake laugh like that in my entire life! Does he really not care about them dying and stabbing each other! Why was I feeling like this if he isn't! And he's human! I'm...not. I got up and slowly walked to the bathroom where he was standing. "So what did you do today?" I asked him. "Well I went to therapy again." He spoke. "Oh yea the only place you don't want me to be with you." I spat. He smiled. "It's not that it's just. That I realized that it's a place of privacy. I mean if you were to go to therapy ide totally back off." He said with his hands up. Oh yea right like that would ever happen. "Mhm sure." I rolled my eyes. "So what you do in this therapy." I looked at him
Through the mirror. "Well... I gained a couple of memories." You know that feeling like your heart sunk  and you can't believe what your hearing. Yea that how I'm feeling riggght now. "Oh uhm cool what memories exactly." I laughed nervously. "It wasn't the best honestly.  HUH, He says walking back towards the bed me on his tail.

"Well what do you mean not the best Wesley?" I asked him. He sat in the bed and sighed. "To be honest Ada it was pretty traumatic."  Traumatic?! Oh shit I'm screwed I'm screwed. "Oh ok what happen in the dream like as in what did you see ha." I accidentally laughed nervously. "Ada calm down why are you nervous?" "I'm not!" I interrupted. "I mean continue." I smiled. "Relax Ada i didn't see your tits from the ward even though I would kill to se-". "Can you please continue!" Gosh what is up with him. "I saw a bloody bat. And a blonde woman and a little boy who looked like me." He told me. "Oh my god." It slipped out.  "I know it doesn't sound that bad but for some reason I literally almost died."  He chuckled. "Yea." I chuckled as well. "Anyways we should head to sleep we have school tomorrow."  I nodded.
Wesley pulled the sheets up and over us.

Once I finally heard Wesley loud snoring that was when I let my thoughts rave through. The bat... it was the one I hit Casey with. It was bloody? He's getting closer and closer. I gotta stop him from going back to therapy. Once he gains all his memories that's when I'll be gone for good. I should start distancing myself now but would be best for the both of us. Well mostly for me. All those people I butchered are finally coming back to haunt me. I took the pillow on both sides of my head and squeezed it.  Silently screaming.

" shut the fuck up adamma." Wesley sloppily said. " go to sleep." He tiredly rolled over.

How did he?

Book 2 : Don't Be CruelWhere stories live. Discover now