Chapter 25

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It has been over 30 minutes we are just staring at eachother. Until one of us talk I refuse all the time to talk she will never ever crack me. I asked ada to go back to the place because there wasn't going to be anything exciting anyways. She gives this amusing smile like she is mocking me which pisses me off all the time. "What the fuck is so funny?" I asked her she shakes her head and continues smiling. "Nothing Wesley Hunter." Her saying that name made me flinch which was common. When people use that name. I flinched to that name all the time back in the ward. "I prefer if you didn't use my last name Thankyou ms. Bitch." I said smiling to myself at her reaction. It became qiuet again as we stared at eachother.

"What do you want Wesley?" She said finally breaking the silence. "What type of question is that?" I asked agitated. "Like really what do you want?" I looked into her eyes to see if she was pulling my tail or not. I smiled and yawned. "Well..I could really go for a turkey sandwich about Now." I rested my back onto the chair. She swiftly pulled out a pen and paper and wrote down a turkey sandwich. "You kidding right? You really wrote that?" I pointed to the note pad.

She nodded. "I mean you said you wanted it right? I asked you a question you answered it...but it would be nice if you can tell me what you actually wanted in life." She looked up at me writing. "In life? Like in anything?" " yea in anything like something deep down in your heart hat you truly want." She shook her leg impatiently waiting for my response. "Murderers don't have hearts." I responded. "Yea they do every human has a heart you wouldn't be alive if you didn't have a heart." She giggled. "So you admit I'm a murderer?"
" not- well according to your record I mean..ok I'm not sure how to answer to that-" .

"Memories." I interrupted. She looked at me and I looked at her. "Excuse me I didn't catch that-" I took a long sigh. "Memories...I want to gain back my memories. I lost some not some a lot....ok maybe all of them. I have no memory for from being a child or atleast before the ward I don't remember anything but the ward."
"Do you have any memory of killing?"she asked me. "No no I don't surprisingly but I guess that pretty common some people get so angry."
"It is common to murder and forget but the memories do come back gradually or at least bits. Do you have atleast bits?" She looked at me. I thought for a moment.

And shook my head no. "I don't get bits I get nothing absolutely nothing." I shrug. She uncrossed her legs and smiled. Can she stop doing that. She got up from her chair and walked over to her shelf filled with books and picked up something that was brown and wooden it a large gold bell on it. "Wesley im going to show you something... this right here is called a Bonzo bell." She smiled and held it like a gold trophy but it was old wooden and hideous. "Bonzo bells are extremely rare and expensive. I made sure to grab one before working with special clients like you it has been a true helper in my sessions." Thats good what does that have to do with me ?
"The bells help recover deep lost memories and I think it could help with our sessions. But a precaution is that it is pretty powerful so once you recover these memories there is no going back. Are you sure you would like to recover the memories of you childhood before the ward?" Oh shit this is the opportunity I've been waiting for!

Do I really want to recover my memories...
what if something there that can change everything? Am I really ready. What would Ada say? Man sometimes I wish she was here she would of gave me a smart answer. I guess I have to do what I think she would do.


Ms Emma smiled and she stared at me. "I will now ask you to close your eyes." I hesitated at first then laughed a little at how stupid this was. "I will ask you to say ready whenever you are ready for me to ring the bell."

I sighed. I felt a slight tear drop down onto my cheek which was strange.


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