Chapter 32

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I was back in a the same setting I was last session . place outside I'm guessing it was my house that this place is my home. Now The only thing left was identifying  characters I looked at a redhead boy with freckles the same one who looked beat up I'm guessing this was bart my...friend
I looked at him and it was as if he was disappointed in me. ."Buts what's wrong with my house? ." I asked.
Bart looked back. "Nothing is bad it's just that.." Bart moved closer to My ear. "It feels like someone is always watching me." He whispered in my ear. "Yea I get that too." I said squinting my eyes and looking around. Once that happen a shadow came across his face and eyes. The shadow was a bit smaller and slit his throat where blood was spilling out of his eyes mouth and nose. No no no not again.  The shadow began dancing  around barts body. the music but the music was muffled but the melody sounded familiar but I just couldn't remember it.  Then the shadow stopped in place and turned to look at me. I fell on my ass and began crawling backwards. It was moving so quickly my heart was racing. I didn't want to die.

" TIME!" She yelled. I opened up my eyes blinking a few times to make sure if I'm really here. "Wesley that was a quick one wasn't it?" I nodded she smiled. "So did you get anything out of this session." She asked getting your and clearing her desk. "Yes yes I did actually. I was still shocked and shaking. "I..I didn't kill those people." I finally spoke I'm sure she thought I was even crazier. She turned and looked at me with an arch brow. "I know... I know it sounds crazy but here me out." I put up my hands. She squinted her eyes stopped what she was doing and sat down and crossed her legs. "I'm all ears." Thankyou. "I had a childhood friend name Bart and and in that memory we were talking he said something about someone watching him and after he said that someone came a slit his throat."

"Yes Bart wick, he was labeled as one of your victims his family has sought millions of dollars from you for "damages." She said reading. "Do you know what the person who slit his throat looks like?" She said putting the paper away. "It was a shadow, like think about it. A shadow! Do you know what that means?! It means whoever is behind the shadow." "Is the person who killed all those people?" She finished for me. She got up from her seat and sat next to me. She looked into my eyes and smiled. "We seem to be getting somewhere." She touched my thigh. I looked at her is it me or does she look a little familiar. I shook my head . It has to be my nerves I'm think everyone is a suspect.


What is wrong with me, I've been crying for days nonstop in this ginormous room why am I suffering? I did it so what I should just own up pack my bags and go! Why can't I just leave this boy alone haven't I done enough! That's when it hit me the awful stench. I inhale one  big one.  God that smell is awful. I put up my arm and smelled it even more. No it can't be that's literally impossible. I turn over to smell myself. Dearl lord it me! Ah! When did I start smelling! I can't smell! I have never smelled before! I should go take a shower what if Wesley sees me and I smell. He would be like.
Oh god Ada come on get a grip blah blah blah you'd stink pig! Oh man he's the sweetest. I fall back on the bed. I miss Wesley I know I should and she keep as much distance but I just miss his smile and his sparkling eyes and his dirty blonde hair. And his deep dimples. And his body is just to die for even though I'm already dead still  I can dream about him all day long. I grip the bedsheets as I close my thighs right letting the thought run through.

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