Chapter 24

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We sat outside the cool air conditioned room. Waiting for anything. A mumble and knock a squeak. Anything hit it was just...silent. Wesley couldn't go back to the ward though I doubt he would really care. I know it would be bad for him not the long run. I. Know. What's. Good. For. Wesley.  Me and him sat onto the black leather chairs. The front desk lady giggling on the phone eyeing Wesley once and awhile. I saw mr e walk in he looked disappointed.

But they should have know sending a serial killer to the school. Wesley on the other hand was emotionless. His eyes still had dark circles from long nights of not sleeping at the ward. His hair was now messy. His face was cut and bruised as well as his lip.  I turned back when I heard the door knob click. It was opening.

Mr e was walking out with the principal he was nodding and nodding.  "I will see you beginning of next week mr  lazo. The principal shook his hand and smiled. The principal humbly went back to his office. As mr e turned to Wesley and gave a deep sigh. Wesley slowly loooked up then at me then at mr e.  Mr e jerked his head. I'm guessing that was for us to get up and get going.

Mr e was qiuet the whole walk to the black mysterious car. They're was nothing but frequent sighs. And him shaking his head. It wasn't Wesleys fault it was those pigs! Wesley was protecting. And I was protecting Wesley. God forgive me but I hope that boy never gets a chance to walk ever again. It would be better for the world.

Once we hopped in the car. Wesley closed the door as well as mr e. He let out a long sigh but this one was diffierent...


This sigh was long it was more like how do I say it. Familiar... and it was probably because I know exactly what he was going to say next. "Look.. I don't...think you understand son how hard your grandparents went for you to get you out of that ward." He says. I chuckled. "He's rich didn't he just have to throw cash or something."  I looked out the window. E turned around to me. "No no I don't think you understand you grandfather had to bend laws, laws! Falla passare dal tuo uomo della testa! (Get it through your head man!) With the crimes you committed?!" It's a miracle your going to fucking school." I looked over at Ada as she looked at me. E took one long sigh the sigh that was familiar. I kinda already know what was going to happen next.

Son I know your not going to like this
"Son I know your not going to like this."

But trust me I tried talking with your grandfather but he just wouldn't budge.

"I tried to speak with your grandpa but he was just set on this decision after today."

I'm sorry son your going back to the ward.

"I'm sorry son your going back to ms. Emma"


"I know you don't like that place but you need a session. After today I'm don't know what you have to do but you have to fix it." He said gearing up the car to move. I'm not sure what exactly he expected me to do throw a tantrum that I'm going back to that annoying bitch.
Just going to be another staring contest for 3 hours or more. I turned to look at Ada and she has her hand on her heart I knew she didn't want us to go back to the ward. She was worried that we might have messed up our only opportunity to expirience the outside world.
But honestly I think I had seen enough: it isn't all that great everything is dumb and the people are even dummer.

I would choose being locked up for years with Ada. Then experiencing anything from this stupid world. I would rather rather be spoon fed then searching for crumbs. The ward is my home it's all I ever known and now they are trying to change me. I don't want to be change maybe I did those things though I have no recollection of it happening. I must have, who would, no one. So why do they think they can change a murderer it's in my blood. Maybe my father was a murderer. Maybe it runs in the family.

Why can't I remember?

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