Chapter 18

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We were both panting hard out of breath.. staring at each others eyes, sweat beaming down my forehead. Our bodies tangled in my bed. "YOUR NOT GOING!" She screamed. "YES I AM!" She tried to get up and straddle me but failed incredibly. "Just stop fuck!" I yelled in her face. It was quite for a minute. I then got up from her and hopped off the bed. "Fuck you Wesley!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. I opened the door. "You can do that later but right now I need to go to therapy and DONT FOLLOW ME!" I walked out of the room and closed it behind me.

What her problem. The last time she freaked out like this was  3 years ago  she freaked out about me going to a damn boys  club they started in the ward. At least this time she was easy to fight off.  Yea I ...I remember she beat me to a pulp that day got a black eye in both eyes..I was pretty weak back then. Was I always weak?

Oh fuck! Dammit! How could he just leave me here! Why would he do that! What does he need therapy for any way! I screamed into the pillow. I got up from the bed and went outside the room walking down the hallway. I heard loud snoring coming from a room. And I also heard people conversing with loud talking noises in the background. I turned back to the room with the loud snoring. I went inside and took a peak and it was the old man snoring away. I smiled to myself I picked up fancy knife with was big knife one of the biggest knifes I have ever seen. I took it out of the case making sure to not make any noise. I held it high in the air wanted to slash his head off and having his blood wash over me seeing his head roll over the floor eyes still closed. Or eyes open filled with fear and regret and sorrow! This was it the moment...I put the sword down and placed it neatly back where I found it. Then left the room.

I was sitting in the chair waiting for someone to walk in. I think I came to early which is what I was trying to fucking avoid. Now I look like I want to do this shit. Being here cost a price a painful price looking at the bloody bit mark that bitch gave me. Just then I heard a door open and heels coming across the wooden floor then the steps soften now coming onto the carpet. I looked up from the shoes. She had blonde hair and dark brown eyes though you couldn't really see it since it was hiding behind the glasses.

Black skirt and white button down shirt. She gave a smile staring at me. I looked away towards the window. "Your here early." She hummed. I rolled my eyes. "I don't want to be." I grunted out. "Well can go back now can we?" She laughed to herself. Oh shut the fuck up. "Do you prefer the sun in or out." She said moving the curtain. "I don't care." I crossed my arms. "Well I like the sun out I have sensitive eyes don't want to mess myself up now would I?" She laughed to herself again. Did I fucking ask what she likes. She walked over to her seat and sat comfortably. "Now before should introduce ourselves?"

I didn't say anything. "Alright I'll go first, we'll my names DR Emma I have a pet parrot name Donald and I also have my husband William I have traveled to 6 different countries and speak 2 languages my favorite color is purple and a special hobby of mine is that I love to play the violin." She smiled at me. "Now you." She pointed. I crossed my arms and just glared at her. It was qiuet for a minute until she began to talk again.
She frowned and took her glasses off. "Look Wesley I'm not here to fight with you, I've worked with criminals and this persona your putting on isn't going to scare me. If you don't want to talk I'm fine with it I will still get paid either way. I'm here to help you and do my job so why won't yo-" I charged towards her and pulled her by her collar "you've got a fucking nerve saying this is a persona I outta snap your neck and leave you dead for your husband and your stupid fucking parrot! My life is not a persona bitch!" I pushed her back into the chair.

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