Lovely Villa

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The villa loomed out of the blackness and towered around us. As the house drew nearer everything around me became quieter and more distant. An enormous oak tree stood by the house swaying in the wind. The moon shone bright white in the cloudless sky. The air was cold and numb and with every breath i drew- a misty, chilly exhale followed. I pushed the iron gates which were as cold as ice.

The hallway was dull and smelled of dust. Paintings hung up of what looked to be important rich people, their eyes following my every move. I clutched mother's hand. To the left was a old wooden stairway leading upwards to the second floor. If you were to walk up them, you would step right through them.The chairs and sofa were made from black leather once soft and comfy, now thin and worn away from all the use. Above the sofa, hung a beautiful chandeliar twinkling in the moonlight.

'We don't need such a big house,' I said looking around.

Are you afraid to live with the ghosts?,' teased Nick.

Shiver went down my spine. 'No,' I said shortly.

Nick enjoys to scare me. One day, he hid in my closet wearing one of his ugliest masks. When I opened the closet he came leaping out at me in his mask. I almost fainted. He got a sound scolding from mom. He called me a scrawny 'big' nerd.

'Scawny big nerd,' he said.

'Shut up'.

'The left one upstairs is mine- the middle one for Nick and the rightmost one for your grandparents. Kat, you can have the one downstais,' said mother removing her gloves.

'What about the other one?,' asked Nick.

'Oh that one is locked. The key to it has lost,' said mother.

'Mom, I don't want the one downstairs,' i said.

'Sorry dear but your things are already moved,' replied mom.

'Are you afraid of sleeping alone downstairs?,' teased Nick.

I lloked at him furiously.

'You are afraid of ghosts. Scrawny big nerd!,' he started.

'Zip your mouth,' i snapped.

'Kat is a nerd. I am ashamed she's my elder sis,' he said laughing his head off.

'I am not afraid. I will take the room,' I yelled.

'Stop, both of you. Nick, go and check out your room,' ordered mother.

Nick ran upstairs sticking out his tongue at me. My anger boiled over me. I felt like punching him on his face.

'Mom, where is the washroom,' I demamded.

'Upstairs,' she replied.

I passed the dining room - a big table made from oak and six chairs filled the room.The table has been laid, the plates and silverware lay there untouched and unused like a forgotten date. I could see the moonlight shining through the windows casting a reflection on the opposite wall.

I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs taking two steps at a time.

I twisted the knob of the toilet and pushed the door.


Find out why Katherine screamed in the next chapter!

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