Big Day

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It was Jason's birthday! We were walking together to school. He was wearing a knitwear with red stripes running all over it. He looked dashing and i found it difficult to look away from him. 

'Is anything special today?,' he asked 

'Special? Er-- no,' i replied hiding my smile.

'Don't you remember?,' he asked.

'OH yeah, Today we have to submit our chemistry projects,' i said.

His face dropped. 'That's not special,' he said sulkily.

At school, i ignored Jason completely. I wanted him to think that i had forgotten his birthday.i came to know that  Bella had gifted him a locket. I was jealous, pretty jealous. 

'Be patient. My surprise for him is going to be the best surprise!,' i told myself.

That day i walked home with Nick. I felt that evening would never come. The day dragged on and on. But the moment came at last. I put on my best dress and pulled on my jacket. Mom did my hairdo. I checked myself on the mirror. I was pleased. Nick was also coming to the party.

I was late. I had to reach Jason's house by 6:00 when he went out to buy grocery. It was already 6:10. However, Mrs.Drew must have started the preparations. I was going  to gift him a wrist watch as he wanted one from a long time. I thought of inviting Jason's friends too as he would like it. By the time i reached Jason's house, it started snowing. 

Mrs.Drew welcomed us with a warm smile. 'Come in, fast.' The cake looked delicious, yellow in color dappled with poppy seeds and filled with pineapple mousse. The living room was covered with small LED lights. I put on the birthday cap and turned the music on. The music was calm and soothing. Perfect! I was excited. 

After few minutes, The hall was filled with boys and girls(including Bella). I was busy serving them coke and delicious titbits. i handed everyone the birthday caps. Everyone was dressed in their best clothes and Bella wore a happy smile. I rolled my eyes. The doorbell rang.

'quiet, guys. It must be Jason,' whispered Bella and went to open the door for him. Everyone fell silent.

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jason,' screamed everyone. He slightly jumped and stood staring at the little circle in surprise. Bella pulled him into a hug and i made a go to hell face at her.

'Thanks, guys,' he said at last.

'Yoo-hoo, the party begins. Cut the cake,' said someone.

His eyes met mine and he stared at me blankly. i smiled and looked down.

Mrs.Drew brought out the birthday cake. Twelve colorful candles sat in the middle of the cake. We all sang "Happy Birthday" to Jason after which he blew out the candles and cut the cake. Everyone helped themselves to the slices of the delicious cake. 

'Let's dance,' shouted Bella.

'Yeah, turn the music to full volume,' said someone. Everyone started dancing except me. I was not born to dance. Jason was enjoying it and i was pleased. i got uneasy standing in the corner alone. So, i decided to leave. I pulled Jason in the corner and handed him the gift.

'A big thanks to you. i love it,' he said.

'Welcome. ok. i guess i better leave now,' i said.

'No, not at all. You are coming with me to dance,' he said.

'I don't like to dance,' i yelled as the music was very loud.

But he got hold of my hand and took me in the middle of the crowd. He didn't listen to me even after my cries and i was forced to dance . I enjoyed it only to satisfy Jason. 

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