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A blood curdling scream escaped my mouth. I heard footsteps.

'Kat, what happened?,' asked mom anxiously trying to hold her breath.

'Are you alright?,' asked Grandpa panting heavily.

I pointed to the opposite wall.

'A lizard- oh gosh-it's just a lizard,' said Nick bursting out with laughter.

'Kat, you brought the whole house down,' scolded mom.

'I just can't take it,' said Nick trying to control his laughter.

'Grow up, Kat,' said Grandpa pressing my shoulders.

I was tired and exhausted. I skipped dinner and went to bed.Tomorrow was sunday. No school. I turned in my  bed uncomfortably , trying hard to sleep. I put off the night lamp. I lay there staring at the ceiling. I was thinking about the room next to this. The locked room! What can be inside it? A ghost or treasure?

The next minute I dozed off. I felt someone, mother plant a kiss on my cheek and close the door behind her. I dreamt fairyland and fairies in it.

'Happy birthday, Kat,' shouted Nick.

My eyes fluttered open I saw Nick sitting on my belly. I pushed him away.

'Did the ghost come to your room?,' he asked.

'Let me sleep. It's my birthday. So no teasing today,' I muttered in my sleep throwing a pillow at him.

It was my seventeenth birthday. I quickly bathed and got dressed. I looked into the mirror. I had dark circles under my eyes due to lack of sleep. I was wearing a peach colored gown with beautiful pink flowers printed on it.

I cut the cake and my family loaded my hands with gifts. There was a big smile on my face.

'This is for you,' said mom handing me a brown basket with a red ribbon tied to it.

'What's this?,' I asked.

'Look for yourself,' she said.

I untied the ribbon. Inside the basket was a puppy- a golden retriever maybe three months old. My eyes beamed with joy. He had large brown eyes and a lovely coat of golden hair. I took him into my arms.

'He's too cute. Thankyou, mom,' I said.

'Welcome,dear,' she replied pulling me into a hug.

'We will call him Tommy,' I said.

'woof, woof'

I laughed.

'I bet he likes the name,' said Grandpa.

Mother had made a fantastic breakfast. There was sandwiches-ham-fruit and chocolate. i finished a full bowl of beetroot jam and loaded my plate once again. I felt special and happy.

'This is awsome,' i said biting into a thick sandwich of egg and ham.

Later, I decided to explore the town with Tommy. I pulled on my jacket and muffler. I was going to explore this town for the first time. I was excited. There was a lake few miles away from the house. The oak tree stood still as there was no breeze. The snow was thick and I was having difficulty in walking on it. Everything was quiet . I could hear my boots sinking in the snow. After walkig a few distance, I saw people. They stopped to have a look at me. I lowered my eyes. Some of them whispered to each other. One boy gasped at me. I was surprised. What's the matter with all thes people? They all looked unfriendly and scared of me.

The lake came into view. It was still and looked eerie. Suddenly, Tommy started barking.

I saw a strange looking man march towards me. He was wearing old trousers and only a coat to protect him fom the cold. He was cross-eyed and looked scary.

'Waht are you doing here?,' he asked in a high pitch voice.

'Is this a pivate place? There's no sign telling it as private,' I said looking around boldly.

'Pah, it's public but you are not allowed here,' he said.

'Excuse me,' I said confused.

'you live in the haunted house. Go away. I will warn my wife to stay away from you,' he yelled. 

'The house is not haunted,' I said raising my voice.

'I have lived in this town for many years. I have seen what happened to people who lived there,' he shouted.

'I don't believe you,' I said.

'You, silly girl. Go away!,' he shouted again giving me a hard shove.

'How dare you touch me?,' I yelled gathering strength. My voice came out higher and more shrill than i had intended.

I raised my hand to smack him on his face but many people had gathered around us- whispering to each other. Tommy was barking madly. He was too small to give this man a nice nip. I was overcome by shyness and backed off. I broke through the crowd and hurried home as fast as i could. I was furious. Tears rolled down my eyes. I didn't understand what was wrong with the man, maybe he was barmy- completely out of his mind.

I didn't mention the incident to anyone else as mom would be scares unecessarily. This man ruined my birthday. How dare he lay his filthy hands on me?

I went to bed early. I had to wake up early for school. I wondered whether the kids at school will go against me too. I erased the idea as soon as it came to my mind.

At midnight, I awoke with a start by Tommy's barks. He was looking out of the window with his front legs rested on the window sill.

'Tom, what happened?,' i asked in my sleep. I crawled out of the bed, hurried to the window and peered out.

Pale moonlight made the snow look silvery, eerie. A chipmunk scampered behind the big maple tree by the curb.

'There's nothing outside,' I said fondling his ears.

Suddenly, a street lamp flickered to life. In it's faint light, I saw a dark figure staring at me. 

I promise this is going to be more thrilling. Continue reading!

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